Which animal is best for traveling through the Arabian desert?
Early Islamic people usually stayed in one place and did this for a living
Round Robin: List 5 things that ancient Arabians contributed to modern day society
modern medicine, cancer treatment, algebra, astronomy, architecture
The date of Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Medina.
622. A.D
A device that helps calculate the position of a ship on Earth and view the stars is called
an astrolabe
People of the Middle East had this in common before Muhammad was born
they shared a common language
Round Robin : What geographical locations are surrounding the Middle East?
The Red Sea, The Persian Gulf and the Pacific Ocean all surround the peninsula.
The place that Muslims turn to pray five times a day and consider their holy land
For Muslims, this is a holy month of fasting
A large market with rows of shops and tents where vendors sell and trade is called
a bazaar
Similar to the teachings of Jesus during the Roman empire, what teaching by Muhammad most upset the leaders of Mecca?
The rich should share their wealth with the poor
A pilgrimage to the holy land that Muslims should make at least once.
What is the Hajj?
Who was Muhammad's wife and why is the reason he married her?
He married Khadija and gained fame and wealth from her.
A tower usually built next to a mosque which is climbed up so one can call the Muslims to pray is called a/an
What caused Muhammad to travel to places beyond the Arabian Peninsula?
he wanted to trade