The country with the largest population on the planet is this one
China's first Emperor who unified the country
Qin (or Shi Huang Di)
System of reward based on ability, not birth
the social class in China who had all the power
Scholar officials
True or False: The US and China today are best friends
What part of Asia is China located in
East Asia
Before China was unified it was divided into these kind of states
Warring states
China's coolest invention
Repeating crossbow,
gun powder
rocket powered arrow
great wall
land mines
earthquake detector
The largest social class in China
China is naturally defended by its geography: it has mountains, ___________ and____________
desert and sea
Court advisors who advised the Emperor and helped him run the country
Scholar Officials
Invention that allowed Admiral Ze to sail to new distant lands
the social class considered to be the lowest
The group of people who kept invading China
The largest country in Asia by landmass is this
To become a scholar official, you'd have to take one of these
civil service exam
Chinese Invention originally used for clothing, turned out to be great for money
How to say "Hello Teacher, I'm Fine" in Chinese
Nihao Lao Shi, wo wen hao
The leaders of the Mongols
China has nearly 1.5 Billion people and 1.3 rely on the Yangtze River for food and transportation. How many people is this approximately?
500 million
Unification of China under Emperor Qin meant having uniform systems for writing, weights, laws and ______
Type of farming where rice could be planted on the side of mountains
terrace farming
The status of Women in China was determined by this
husband's social class
The source of anti-Chinese racism in American history
Leaders/business owners