Emperor Qin thought education for the common people took time away from ________ _____.
What is growing crops?
The Great Wall of China kept ______ out?
______ emperors lived in the city?
True or False: The silk road was highly valued and important?
What sport did the Chinese people invent?
Emperor Qin died in 210 B.C. after drinking a potion that he thought would give him ______ ____.
What is eternal life?
Besides keeping invaders out of China the Great Wall also was use to transport _________ through China?
men or supplies
Work started in 1406 and took ______ years to finish the city?
What was traded on the silk road?
Silk and Spices
What 2 thing did the Chinese people invent to make writing easier?
paper and block printing
Emperor Qin made everyone use the same writing system, money, weights and _________.
What is measures?
The Great Wall of China is ______ miles long?
How did the city get its name 'the Forbidden City'?
For years (500 years) most people were forbidden to enter.
Why was the silk road dangerous?
Rough terrain, harsh climates
What 2 things did the Chines people invent to help keep you dry?
umbrella and waterproof clothing
The city has ______ rooms?
The Chinese invented the first ________ to help with directions?
The city has ______ buildings?