How many Early Civillization where there?
How many rivers were there
2 rivers
A line of rulers from the same family who pass power down through generations
Where was both dynasties located
Eastern china
The ruler of an empire, often seen as having divine authority
What were the names of the Early civillizations
Yangshao, Longshan, and Liangzhu
What is the name of the "Yellow River"
The Huang Hee river ( Chinas sorrow)
A poor farmer who worked the land and made up the majority of the population
How long did The shang Dynasty last
1600-1064 BCE
A repeated series of events that follow a predictable pattern
What Civillzation is known for their slash and burn agriculture
The Yangshao
What was the longest river
The Chang jang
Releated to a dynasty, or a line of rulers from the same family.
How long did the Zhou dynasty
1045-256 BCE
A luxorious fabric made from cocoons of silkworms
Built fortified settlements/ Walls made of pammed Earth.
The LongShan
What is the Chang jang river also known as
the Yangtze river
A group of traders traveling for safety
They used orcale bones and what else
Bronze vessels
Terra Cota
Type of clay they use to make pottery
Had a STRONG belief in the afterlife
The Liangzhu
What were the 3 geographical locations that protected China
the Himalayas, Gobi Dessert, and Pacific ocean.
Filial Piety
Respect and devotion that children owe to their parents and elders.
Whats the Dynastic Cycle (in order)
Rise, Peak, Decline, and fall of dynasties
By the water