world's longest man made structure built to keep invaders from the north out of China, started by the Qin Dynasty, expanded by the Han Dynasty,
What is the Great Wall of China
This mountain range blocked would-be invaders from the South
What are the Himalayan Mountains?
This is a system of beliefs and values
What is Philosophy?
Originally used in religious purposes to scare evil spirits away
What is Gunpowder?
Large Trading Route that connected China, India, and the Middle East. Cultures diffused as well as goods traded (ie. Buddhism imported to China and silk exported)
What is the Silk Road?
He was the first emperor of China. Some believe the word "China" is derived from his name
Who was Emperor Qin Shi Huang?
A powerful family or group of rulers that maintains its position of power for a long time
What is a Dynasty?
This is the name of one of the deserts preventing neighbors from invading China
What are the Gobi and the Taklamakan?
The belief that people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled with punishment to maintain social order.
What is Legalism?
An important accomplishment of the Chinese during the Han dynasty - it replaced silk as it was cheaper to buy and easier to bind into books.
What is the invention of Paper?
This was highly sought after by the West. Makers of this item were sworn to secrecy as to how it was made.
What is Silk?
It is what this is called
What is the Yin-Yang?
A group of travelling tradesmen and merchants. Often used camels as they were well-suited for the deserts
What is a Caravan?
includes the western and northern parts of present day China (includes the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau, Northwestern Deserts, Turfan Depression, and the Northeastern Plain)
What is Outer China?
The belief that humans should live in harmony and balance with nature and that a universal force controls all things (ie. little government control needed)
What is Daoism?
This invention was used to steer boats
What is a rudder?
This idea travelled the silk road into China from India through Cultural diffusion.
What is Buddhism?
These were originally used for signalling and to alert the military in wartime
What are kites?
This allowed the Chinese to conquer lands easier and faster
Waht is Standardized Weaponry?
Along with the two deserts, this high, flat region formed another barrier preventing invaders
What is the Tibet Plateau?
the belief that the way to ensure a stable government and an orderly society stresses a moral code of conduct. Example: showing respect to your elders, and as an elder, being a good role model for those beneath you.
What is Confucianism
A test given to qualify candidates for positions in the government based on ability.
What is the Civil Service Exam?
A valuable cloth, originally made only in China from threads spun by caterpillars
What is Silk?
These are two geographical features that all of our Ancient Civilizations so far have required
What are flat plains for farming, and rivers?
The belief that a leader is chosen by a higher power
Wht is the Mandate of Heaven?
Located in Inner China, a major region for growing rice due to the warm and wet year round climate/weather
What is the Chang Jiang Basin?
Family members that came before us, and a belief that they are able to assist us in our lives (like in Mulan)
What is Ancestor Worship?
These three inventions made farming the fields much easier
What are the Chain Pump, Wheelbarrow, and Iron Plow?
Other than tangible goods, these two things also travelled along the famous Silk Road
What are ideas/beliefs and diseases?
This is how many TerraCotta Warriors archeologists have found (so far)
What is over 8,000?