Rome, if you want to...
Oh, Hellas naw!
Walk Like an Egyptian...
Baby-lonia, its cold outside!
Paleolithic Revolution

This was the first Emperor of Rome.

Who is Augustus or Octavius 


This is the name of the continent on which Greece can be found. 

What is Greece


This structure type is most associated with the Egyptians. 

What are the Pyramids


This term refers to a complex society which a large place people need

What is a civilization


What was the most common way for pre-historic man to get food?

What is hunting


This was the name for the foundational law code for all of Rome. 

What are the Twelve Tables


This famous Greek leader conquered the eastern Mediterranean region of Europe, Egypt, the Middle East, and parts of Asia in a remarkably short period of time and all by the age of 33, which was the year he died. 

Who is Alexander the Great


This is the name of the largest river in Egypt, as well as, one of the longest rivers on Earth. 

What is the Nile River


This code was used by the people of Ancient Babylon and served as one of the earliest law codes in human history. 

What is Hammurabi's Code


Clothing for pre-historic people tended to be made with what material?

What is animal fur


This was the civilization that Rome would face in all three Punic Wars.

Who is Carthage


These were Greek gods who were fathered by Cronus, the first Greek Titan. 

Who are Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia or Demeter. 


This is the name of the continent in which Egypt is located on.

What is Africa


Hammurabi was able to greatly expand his territories by doing what two things?

What is superior military strategies + having several allies


(blank) the Iceman is one of the oldest mummified corpses that has ever been found. 

Who is Ortiz


This group would conspire and assassinate Julius Caesar on what is now famously known as the Ides of March.

The Senate


These were a series of wars fought between the Greek and Persian Empires from 492-449 B.C.E.

What are the Persian Wars


Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were viewed as equals to these types of deities by their people. 

What are gods


According to Hammurabi's code, under law 143, if she is not not innocent but leaves her husband. And ruins her house, neglecting her, then her punishment is what?

What is being thrown into the water and drowned


The Neolithc era began...

When was 2300 B.C.E.


This Roman leader won notoriety and popularity from the people of Rome as a great military commander and eventually served as the ruler of Rome until his death in 44 B.C.E.  

Who is Julius Caesar


This action by the Greeks would ultimately lead to the start of the Persian Wars. 

What is Greek expansion near Persia. 


This is the name for the Egyptian God of Death. 

Who is Anubis 


The Neolithic Revolution did what two things for food supplies of ancient people?

What is learning how to domesticate animals and develop agriculture


Generally speaking, when did the Paleolithic Era begin and end?

When was 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 B.C.E.