The body of ocean water north of Africa
Mediterranean Sea
One of the first female pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
These people were on the bottom of the social pyramid, worked long hours and lived in mud houses.
peasants and farmers
a system of writing which used symbols that was developed around 3000 BCE
the process of preserving the body after death, involves removing the organs, embalming, and wrapping in linen
The longest river in the world which flows through Eastern Africa to a delta in Northeast Egypt
Nile River
This leader is known for having the Great Pyramid of Giza built which took over 20 years!
Tippy top of the social pyramid, owned all the land, makes laws, and considered to be God on earth
of high birth or rank
the large stone coffin where mummies were placed
all of the plants of a place or region
He ruled for 60 years and was known as a fierce military leader.
Ramses II
In the middle of the social pyramid, they oversaw religious ceremonies and took care of temples.
a pyramid outline showing the positions of social classes according to their status in society
social pyramid
They advised the pharaoh and oversaw all religious ceremonies.
high priest
The shape and elevation of surface features, such as mountains or deserts of a region
This leader is known for unifying and stabilizing Egypt. Art, literature, and architecture were important to him.
2nd to the top of the pyramid and included viziers, treasurer, and generals. They lived in fine homes and had fancy parties.
Government Officials
an existence after death
These people were in charge of the temples, bathe in holy water 3-4 times a day, and shaved off all their hair.
temple priests
A nation in Northeast Africa, first settled around 3100 BCE
This is a written agreement where 2 or more states agree to peaceful relations
2nd to the bottom, these highly skilled workers included carpenters, jewelers, and weavers were not well respected.
a group in society that is ranked by wealth, property and rights
social class
These people (who could be women) gave advice and performed healings
commom priests