On top
Who is the Pharaoh?
Real Jeopardy ?
This "-ism" is the attribution of human qualities and characteristics to something that is not human.
What is Anthropomorphism?
Ancient Egypt is in the modern day country
the act of embalming your dead
what is mummification?
embalming - the treatment of a dead body so as to sterilize it or to protect it from decay.
Real Jeopardy ?
Most of the Coptic language alphabet is adapted from Greek, but 7 letters evolved from this Ancient Egyptian writing system
What is Hieroglyphics?
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The 1922 discovery of his tomb revealed a weapons stash including swords, bows, slingshots, boomerang-like throw sticks, and a ton of walking sticks.
Who is King Tut?
builder of the first pyramid and when your have more than you need
What is Djosurplus?
on the bottom
what are slaves
Crocodile god of the Nile
Who was Sobek
Egypt was found along this river, (arguably) the longest in the world
What is the Nile
Ancient Egyptian tombs of the Old Kingdom
What were pyramids?
"Foremost of Noble Ladies", is the translation of this New Kingdom prominent female pharaoh's name
Who was Hatshepsut?
Sometimes called Narmer the Scorpion king, he was a wearer of many hats, well a couple anyways
Who was Menes?
Commiossioner of the Great pyramid and a rock band with lead man Dave Grohl that sings Hero and Learn To Fly
What is Khufoo fighters
doctors came from this social class
What was the scribe social class?
Who were Sekhmet and Bastet?
The location/city of the Great Pyramids
Where is Giza?
The Ancient Egyptians mummified their dead in order to preserve the body for this after-death ceremony
What is the weighing of the heart ceremony?
head of a pharaoh, body of a lion, known to be a strangler
what was the sphinx?
real jeopardy ?
This father of the pharaohs, was known as Khepri at dawn, Atum in the evening, and this 2-letter name at midday.
Who was Ra?
The sun god of Egypt and a movie rating website names for a spoiled fruit
What is Amun Rotten tomatoes?
In order to keep ma'at this was strongly discouraged
What is changing your stars or social mobility?
the dead god
Who was Osiris?
Burial place of New Kingdom Pharaohs.
Where is the Valley of the Kings?
The reason why the Egyptians buried their pharaohs on the west bank of the nile
What is because the sun died in the west?
favorite food and drink of the Ancient Egyptians
what is bread and beer?
Real Jeopardy ?
Legend says Pharaoh Psamtik III sacrificed his kingdom, rather than fight when this Persian king brought maus into battle
Who was Cambyses (II)
this birdbrained god who lost his eye combines with the chubby little kid in Up
What is Horussel?
made up 80% of the population in Ancient Egypt
what were farmers or peasants?
Daily Double
Goddess of cosmic order. in charge of the weighing of the heart ceremony
The world's first peace treaty was signed between Muwatalli of the Hittites and Ramses II in this city that no longer exists in the Israeli state where it once stood
What is Kadesh?
mummies are wrapped in this thin cloth material.
What is linen?
Pharaoh who ruled for 67 years, known as the great.
Who was Rameses II?
real jeopardy ?
Also known as Amenhotep IV, this pharaoh downplayed Egypt's traditional polytheism and instituted a single solar god
Who is Akhenaten?
The Queen of the Nile and a quality or characteristic of something or someone. An example would be speed 99 in Madden
What is a Cleopattribute?
the grand facilitator/assistant to the Pharaoh
Who was the vizier?
God of the desert who was an agent of chaos
who was Set?
Actual Jeopardy ?
This famous Ancient Egyptian city inspired the name of a city in Tennessee 2,000 years later.
What is Memphis?
Actual Jeopardy question
While most of a person's organs were preserved in jars, a hook was used to remove this cranial organ which was not believed to have been important.
What is the brain?
real jeopardy ?
Tension exists between Egypt and the British Museum over the return of this artifact, taken from Egypt in 1801
Also known as Cheops, He built the tallest building the World knew for thousands of years
Who is Khufu?
He believed in only one god and an obnoxiously orange football team that volunteered to go to overtime with Florida last weekend.
What is Akhenatennessee Volunteers?
This class fell between priest/nobles and scribes on the social pyramid
What was the soldier class?
Falcon headed god who lost an eye fighting his uncle
who was Horus
Sveral of Napoleon Bonaparte's soldiers found a rather significant artifact in this delta-adjacent city
What is Rosetta?
Real Jeopardy anagram ?
A stone home for mummy:push as cargo
What is sarcophagus?
Dead by her own hand in 31 B.C., she was thought to have been buried in Alexandria, but her tomb has never been found
who was Cleopatra?
Real Jeopardy ?
Cleopatra, despite them supposedly killing her, actually worshiped these as a symbol of Egyptian royalty
What is an asp or snakes?
mummified god and what you might call someone who is a fantastic flirt
What is Osirizzler?
Due to their strong astrological beliefs, this became a popular phrase in Egypt in order to discourage social mobility and keep ma'at
What is don't try to change (or alter) your stars?
I'd give a perfect score to this heliocentric deity of Nefertiti's husband
Who is Aten?
What is Alexandria?
In 1939 it was Hodgkin's disease, not King Tut's curse, that did in this archeologist
Who is Howard Carter?
Egyptians did this to help prevent Crows feet wrinkles and to help with that bright desert glare
What is wear black under their eyes?
Victor at Kadesh
Who was Rameses II (The Great) ?
where Old Kingdom pharaohs rested eternally and microscopic, intelligent life forms that originated from the foundation of life in the center of the galaxy and show someone's connection to the force in Starwars
What is Pyramidichlorians ?