A series of rulers from the same family:
Who is thought to be the first pharaoh?
What is the difference between Upper & Lower Egypt?
Lower is at the mouth of the Nile, flowing into the Mediterranean Sea. Upper is further south.
An ancient region in the Nile River Valley:
Who is said to be the last great pharaoh?
What was the purpose of hieroglyphics?
Hieroglyphics were important to keep track of the kingdom's growing wealth
Why was Kerma culture wealthy?
An early form of paper:
Who was the chief god in Ancient Egypt?
Explain how we know the Ancient Egyptians were skilled in math:
They were able to measure stone to cut the proper size for the pyramids, used geometry to measure land to figure out the amount of taxes to be paid for that land
During which kingdom was King Tut ruler?
A strong rush of water:
Who was a wise pharaoh who created a time of peace & economic success?
Explain how we know the Ancient Egyptians were skilled in medicine:
Because of their work on mummies, ancient Egyptians knew a lot about the body. They performed surgery, set broken bones, and used plants as medicine to treat common illnesses.
Which Egyptian god/goddess did women look up to most?
"The Black Land"
Who was appointed regent for Thutmose III?
State 2 facts about the Great Pyramids:
Built during the Old Kingdom, built for Khufu, more than 2 million stones, each stone weighs 5000 pounds, took more than 20 years to build, built by peasants...
What was the importance of Napata and Meroe?
Napata = slowly controlled more of Egypt; brought back Egyptian culture; built pyramids like the ones in Giza
Meroe = first people to make goods with iron