The Old Kingdom is also known as...
The Age of Pyramids
Fact or Cap, Pharaoh Tutankhamen ruled during The Middle Kingdom.
That's straight up cap bruh. He ruled during The New Kingdom
Who was a famous female Pharaoh from The New Kingdom?
How many Intermediate Periods are there?
What is the name of the river in Egypt?
The Nile
What are the three chambers in a Pharaohs tomb?
Annex, Burial Chamber, and Treasury
Who was the Pharaoh who is credited with starting The Middle Kingdom?
Mentuhotep II (Mentos)
Why is King Tut famous today?
His tomb was discovered completely in tact. Most of what we know from Egyptian burials are because of this discovery.
Which foreign people invaded Egypt causing the 2nd Intermediate Period?
What is the name of the writing style that Ancient Egyptians used?
Who had The Great Pyramid of Giza built?
King Khufu
Which two kingdoms did Egypt trade with during The Middle Kingdom?
Nubia and Punt
Fact or Cap, Pharaohs had religious significance.
Which Intermediate Period was a Civil War between Governors?
The 1st Intermediate Period.
Once the Pyramids were no longer being constructed, where were most Pharaoh’s then buried?
The Valley of Kings.
What would be located in the Annex?
Items that were important to The Pharaoh
Which Pharaoh reorganized the government of Egypt to prevent another Civil War?
Sesostris III
Which Pharaoh reversed many of the religious reforms that their father put in place?
Which OLD Kingdom Pharaoh was partially responsible for the start of the 1st Intermediate Period?
Pepi II
Why were tombs filled with art, jewelry, and other treasures?
Egyptians believed the dead enjoyed such materials in the afterlife.