these large boulders and rocks blocked passage for Nubians along the Nile
What are cataracts
the belief in many gods and goddesses is called
What is the writing system of Ancient Egypt that used drawings or symbols to represent words or sounds?
A process of treating a body to prevent it from decaying emerged so that Egyptians could protect bodies for the afterlife.
What is embalming?
An African civilization was Nubia, later known as ____. Today is in present day Sudan.
what is Kush
What is the name when there are a series of rulers from the same family?
The mouth of the nile river is called_______________. it is an area with great farming land as well.
the nile delta
This is how the Ancient Egyptians preserved their dead
what is mummification
What popular plant grew along the Nile River that was used for paper and building material?
what is the papyrus plant
Had to prove herself as a female pharaoh. Valued trade over war, and used trade to strengthen Egypt.
Stronger Nubian villages took weaker ones and formed a kingdom whom grew wealthy from agriculture and the mining of gold.
What is Kerma
The pharaoh would appoint these people to carry out his orders throughout the empire. They were a system of offices and officials that handle the business of government.
The continent where Ancient Egypt was located
The Egyptians believed the afterlife was more important than life on Earth. true or false
Prayers and spells used to transport one’s soul after death came from this source
the book of the dead
He is best known for the discovery of his tomb in the 20th Century A.D.
Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut
What did the Egyptians call the land near the Nile, which was fertile?
black land
In Meroe's web of trade, Kush's merchants received, along with enslaved workers, woven cloth or ________.
Two geographical features that really impacted the way ancient Egyptians lived and protected them.
The Nile River and the desert
This was developed with 365 days so that Egyptians could predict when the Nile River was going to flood.
What is the calendar
Egyptians developed a 365-day calendar consisting of these 3 seasons
What is flood season, planting season, harvest season
He was the first king to unify Upper and Lower Egypt
Who is Menes/Narmer
What was the dry, hot, desert land called in Egypt?
what is red land
Egypt relied on Nubia's ________________, and Nubia relied on Egypt's _______________?
gold, grains
What did the Nile River carry, which made the soil very fertile?
Ancient Egyptians believed this body part would be weighed to see if they could get into paradise
Egypt's religion was similar to Mesopotamia because
they both had a belief in multiple gods or
What is polytheism?
Served as banks, and to store valuable items, such as gold, jewelry, fragrant oils, and finely woven textiles.
What are temples?
A worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand.
About the mid-2000s B.C.E., the Egyptians built the greatest and grandest of the Pyramids-the Great Pyramid. It is about the height of a __-story building.More than __ million stone blocks were used.
The body of water the Nile River empties into
what is the Mediterranean sea
Egyptians _______ were believed to control natural forces as well as human activities.
what are Deities
Egyptian civilization eventually ended when they were finally taken over by this other civilization
This pharaoh was considered one of the greatest pharaohs of all time. He expanded Egypt through war and built many monuments in his honor.
Ramses II
What is Meroe?
They could own property, buy and sell goods and _____ _______. They even served as priests, managing temples and performed religious ceremonies.
What is obtain divorces?