Greek Geography
Greek Beliefs & Mythology
Government & Democracy

The southern tip of Greece forms a second peninsula, a body of land surrounded by water on three sides, called this.

What is Peloponnesus (PEHL•uh•puh•NEE•suhs)?


To the Greeks, these were not distant beings. They became involved in people’s lives, and the Greeks loved to tell stories about them. These vivid tales showed that these beings were sometimes cruel and selfish.

Who are the gods and goddesses?


In Greek, the word for city-state was this. Most city-states were small. Geographic features, such as mountains, limited their size. Athens and Sparta were the largest Greek city-states. Their lands included the plains that surrounded the center city.

What is a polis?


In the city-state or polis of Sparta, this class of people lived in the city and spent all their time training to be soldiers.

Who are citizens?


Citizens in Athens had to serve in the army whenever they were needed and serve on these related to the judicial system of Ancient Greece.

What are juries?


These physical geographic features cover 70 to 80 percent of Greece, dividing the region into many regions that form an uneven, rugged landscape which made transportation over land difficult and made it hard to unite Greece under a single government.

What are Mountains?


The Greeks believed that Zeus and 11 other major gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus (uh•LIHM•puhs), the highest mountain in Greece.

Where is Mount Olympus (uh•LIHM•puhs)?


This is another name for the upper class or nobility. In Greece, they were people who were descended from high-born ancestors who believed that their ancestors were mythical heroes.

Who are the aristocracy?


Women have more freedom in Sparta. They were allowed to own this. A wife was expected to watch over her husband’s this if he was at war.

What is property?


In the Athenian government, this governing body known as this took care of day-to-day problems. 

What is The Council of Four Hundred?


This type of what encouraged outdoor life, such as outdoor athletic competitions like races that became an important part of Greek culture.

What is a warm climate?


Each city had a special god or goddess to protect it. For example, Athena (one of the 12 who lived on Olympus) was the protector of this Greek polis or city-state.

What is Athens?


To the Greeks, a who was a person with the right to take part in ruling the city-state or polis.

Who is a citizen?


Education for girls in Sparta focused on making them this. They had athletic training and learned to defend themselves.

What is strong?


Education of this group in Athenian society prepared them to be good citizens. They studied logic and public speaking to help them debate as adults in the Assembly.

Who are boys from wealthy families?


In Greek society, they were part of the upper class. In general, only men who owned property known as those who owned land could support himself. They had enough wealth to pay for equipment such as helmets, shields, and swords. This allowed them to serve in the army and defend their homeland. As a result, people respected them, who had a higher place in society than merchants or poor people.

Who are landowners?


These are stories that people tell to explain beliefs about their world. These often begin as oral stories. Later they might be written down. The Greeks created these to explain the creation of the world and of human beings. Many of these described the gods and goddesses and how they related to one another and to humans.

What are Myths?


In Athen, this form of government is one in which all the citizens meet to decide on the laws.

What is direct democracy?


The goal of Spartan society was to have a strong this. At age seven, boys moved into military houses called barracks. Their education stressed discipline, duty, strength, and military skill. The boys learned to read just enough to get by

What is army?


Athenians expected women to be good these and these. These roles were respected because they helped to keep the family and society strong.

Who are wives and mothers.


These “highways of water” linked most parts of Greece to each other. The Greeks used these as transportation routes.

What are seas; specifically the Mediterranean and Ionian Seas?


In Greece, games were always part of religious festivals. The largest and most elaborate of these were these, which were games held every four years as part of a major festival that honored Zeus. They took place in a stadium built in the city of Olympia. Only men competed in these contests.

What are the athletic festivals known as the Olympics?


In Greece, a this type of leader was someone who took power in an illegal way. To the Greeks, this type of leader was simply someone who acted like a king without being of royal birth. Some Greek this type of leaders worked to help the poor. Some created building programs to provide jobs. Others enacted laws canceling the debts that poor people owed to the wealthy.

Who is a tyrant?


Sparta had a government that was part this form of government, part this form of government, and part this form of government. Two kings ruled Sparta, and five elected supervisors ran the government. The Council of Elders, made up of 30 older citizens, proposed laws. All Spartan citizens were part of the Assembly. It elected officials and voted on the laws proposed by the Council.

What are monarchy, oligarchy, and democracy?


The Spartans and Athenians collaborated to defeat this empire in protection of Greece.

Who are the Persians?