What were the 3 stages of learning?
Litterator, Grammaticus, Rhetor
What were young men's body type?
Tall, lean, muscular
What are examples of public entertainment?
theater, chariot racing, musicals
What did Partitions do?
Aristocracy, government, ruling class
What were womens roles?
Subject to will of fathers
No political voice or power
Eventually → file for divorce, obtain abortions, inherit, manage and sell property, run and work in businesses → had no right over children
Define a Plebian and Patrician?
Plebian: a commoner
Patrician: a nobleman
What did middle aged men wear?
What are some ball games examples?
handball, soccer, field hockey, catch games and dodgeball
What did Plebians do?
everyone else, not necessary poor, got more power as time went on
Define a Patrilineage society?
direct and legitimate descendants from father bloodline
What is a Republican Government?
RG- When citizens elect representatives that serve their specific interests
What was women makeup made of, and what was later found be to be wrong with it?
Lead, it was poison
Where did they go swimming?
Tiber river
What did Equites do?
equestrian class or cavalry, given money to care for horses → associated with trade and commerce
What were Mens roles in the family?
Head of family and household
Raising children → complete control
-If child was rejected it was left in the streets
Define Consuls, Questors and Cursis Honoram?
Consuls: Public officials or 2 highest ordinary magistracies
Questors: Public officials
Cursis Honoram: The order of the political offices
What did women features include, (list at least 4 characteristics)
Not too thin, Wide hips, Toned, Oval face, Straight nose, No body hair
List at least 4 other sports they did at that time?
Horseback riding, Wrestling and Boxing, Hunting and Fishing, Running
Describe with Freedmen, and who they were?
buy freedom from slavery or were set free → became client of former owner and relied on patronage → were citizens but could not hold office.
any children of freed slaves were given full citizenship
What is the myth of how Rome started?
More popular → demi-god Romulus founded rome after killing brother Remus
Story involves the Rape of the Sabine Women → early Romans abducting women
Define ALL of the following:
-Plebian Tribane
-Political Faction
-Pontifex Maximus
Censors- Conducted the census of the citizens
Plebian Tribane- Plebians in charge of public buildings
Optimates- People who protected the best interest of populace
Political Faction- group of people with common political factions
Populares- Protected the interests of people
Pontifex Maximus- Head of the roman religion
What were the hairstyles of both genders like?
Women hairstyles changed constantly
Men- no facial hair later changed
After a while they banned board games because it was an unnecessary use of their resources
Describe slaves during this time?
No rights, romans relied heavily on them to do whatever job they did not want to do
Most slaves were POW, some were sold into slavery
Describe any three of the things learnt in each of the learning stages?
Curriculum: 3 stages
Litterator taught little kids
Moral lessons
Read and write Greek
Astronomy and natural science
Toga of manhood → move onto third level
Rhetor taught highest level
Public speaking
Roman law
Age of 20 or later