Athens & Sparta
Alexander the Great

A body of land that is surrounded on three sides by water.

What is a peninsula? 


The only group of people allowed to participate in Athenian government. 

Who are men born in Greece?

In what city-state could women own land, take part in business, and were only allowed to care for healthy children.

What is Sparta?


Name the small kingdom located in northern Greece where Alexander the Great was born.

What is Macedonia? 


These games, invented by the ancient Greeks to honor Zeus, are celebrated by the modern world. 

What are the Olympics?


This is the term for independent countries created in ancient Greece because geography made communication difficult. 

What are city-states? 


Wealthy rulers who had control over the good farmland and who could afford the best weapons.

Who are aristocrats? 


What place was the center of social life for men in ancient Athens? 

What is the agora?

This ancient Greek philosopher and scientist was Alexander the Great's tutor.

Who is Aristotle? 


Ancient Greek architects used these in the construction of their buildings, influencing American architects in the construction of the White House, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Capitol Building.

What are columns?


This landform covers 70 to 80 percent of Greece.  

What are rocky hills and mountains?


This freedom in Athens made debating public issues and speaking boldly about ideas possible.

What is free speech? 


THREE things women in Athens could NOT do. 

What are leave the house by themselves, talk to men that were not in their family, vote, inherit property or money, choose who they want to marry, or have a job.


For this reason, Alexander the Great is considered a noteworthy leader.

What is he never lost a battle or he expanded the Greek empire? 


The famous Athenian Greek temple built to honor Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

What is The Parthenon?


This term means "high city" in Greek because it was built on top of a hill to keep Greeks safe from attack. In Athens, it was the center of religious life.

What is the Acropolis? 


In ancient Greece, each citizen voted on the rules and laws. This form of government is called what?

Direct Democracy


Greek city-states paid tribute to Athens after the Athenian army defeated this powerful civilization. 

What is Persia? 


At first, in the lands Alexander the Great conquered native people were allowed this right.  

What is conquered people were allowed to keep their own culture? 


Ancient Greeks explained the creation of the universe, the workings of nature, and how people should behave by passing down these religious stories. 

What are myths? 


Three different ways ancient Greeks adapted to their environment because there was so little farmland.  

What are fishing, trading, and shipbuilding?


This famous general and politician inspired all Athenian citizens to participate in Democracy. 

Who is Pericles? 


After Sparta defeated Athens in this war, Athens never led the Greek world again.

What is the Peloponnesian War?


Alexander the Great spread Greek culture to these THREE continents.

What are Europe, Asia, and Africa? 


This famous Greek philosopher asked questions that challenged the current thinking of his day. He was sentenced to death for failing to honor the Athenian gods and for corrupting the young. 

Who is Socrates?