City-state is what?
What's with all the questions, man?
Greek Government, eh?
What on earth do you mean?
Oh my Greek God
Maps "R" us...
Wait, wait, don't tell me...

This term is another word for city state...

what is a polis?


Women in the City-state of Sparta were different than the others because they were allowed to do this, which was unheard of in the rest of Greece.

What is get educated, train athletically and sell property?


This type of Government Has a very powerful ruler, can be either good or bad...

What is a Tyrant?


This is a formation of heavily armed foot soldiers that always fight and move as one.

What is a phalanx?


This was the king of the god, who was a player and often is seen with a lightening bolt...

Who is Zeus?


This will tell you the directions on a map...

What is a Compass rose?


in order to get water from the rivers to their crops, early civilizations used trenches and ditches. This process of watering crops is called this...

What is irragation?


You have to be in society legally to be one of these...

What is a citizen?


Athens was originally ruled by these, which is another word for a government with a very powerful leader...

What is a Tyrant?


This type of government gives all of the political power to the people, hint, the U.S is one...

What is a democracy?


In this kind of Democracy, you vote "directly" on your issues. 

What is a direct Democracy?


She was a hottie, and also the goddess of beauty and love...

Who was Aphrodite?


This helps you figure out the distance on a map. 

what is a mape scale? 


This is the greek god of the ocean. He generally carries a trident and his roman name is Neptune...

Who is posiden?


This is the art and practice of government, and also the thing that people get mad talking about...

What is Politics


Slaves, women and foreigners were not allowed to be these, which also means a legal member of society...

What are Citizens?


If you elect a "representative" to vote for you, you have this type of Democracy...

What is a Representative Democracy?


During times of war or other dangers to the city-state, the people would go to this "high part" of the city because it was the easiest place to Defend...

What is Acropolis?


He was super speedy and also the messenger of the gods...

Who was Hermes?


This is the most important line of Longitude and like the Equator, always measures at zero degrees...

What is the Prime Meridian?


The major Line of Latitude is called the...

What is the Equator?


This is the highest part of a greek city-state and the place they put all the most important buildings. 

What is an acropolis? `


These are the People who pay (either money or part of their crops) to grow crops on another person’s land.

What is a Tenant farmer


This type of government is run by a small group of people. Hint, Russia is one...

What is an oligarchy...


Having this in Athens, usually meant you were a free man, at least 18 years old and your Parents were both from Athens.

What is Citizenship? 


This god was hated by his parents, no wonder he was the God of war?

Who is Ares?


On a map, it tells you all the important information. in your hand it can unlock doors...

What is a key?


This very fertile soil is left behind after floods. The ancient civilizations depended on it to grow crops.

What is silt?


These are the wealthy people in society that is an hereditary class of rulers.

What is the aristocracy?


These are people from other places that come to a Greek city-states, usually they are merchant or artisans...

What are Metics?


In this type of Democracy, you vote "direct" for every policy and government actions...

What is a Direct Democracy?


This word means severe, harsh or cruel.

What is Draconian? 


He is the god of the underworld and has a pet 3-headed dog...

Who is Hades?


These lines run east to west on a map...

What are lines of Latitude?


In Egypt, these triangle-shaped structures were built to bury pharaohs in...

What are Pyramids?