Identify and Explain
Reviewing Key Facts, Part 1
Reviewing Key Facts, Part 2
Critical Thinking, Part 1
Critical Thinking, Part 2

Question 1:
What was significant about the Macedonians?

Kingdom north of Greece that was home to Alexander the Great and became the center of a vast empire


Question 2:

How did the geography of Greece affect the development of city-states?

The mountains and seas created natural barriers that separated groups from one another; isolated groups led to the evolution of distinct communities and eventually city-states.


Question 7: 

How did drama develop in ancient Greece?

Drama served as entertainment and as a way to observe religion and show loyalty to the city-state.  Early dramas had choruses that presented the story through singing and dancing (think "Hercules"!).  Later dramas used actors to tell stories.


Question 12:

Why was the development of a complete alphabet a significant contribution by ancient Greece?

It allowed better record keeping in trade and enabled more people to read and write because it simplified the process.


Question 17:

Why is the age of Pericles often referred to as the "Golden Age" of Athens?

Pericles helped rebuild Athens after it was destroyed during the Persian Wars.  Under Pericles's leadership, Athens became an influential economic power in the Greek world.  It also became a center of learning and culture for artists, scholars and philosophers.


Question 1:

What was significant about Athens?

A city-state in southeast Greece where democracy was born


Question 3: 

How did Greek citizenship differ from that of most other ancient civilizations?

Greek citizens played an active role in their community and government.  This differed from other ancient civilizations where ordinary people had no say in their government.


Question 8:

What are the two categories of Greek dramas and how are they similar and different?

Comedies or tragedies.  Comedies end happily.  Tragedies have unhappy endings.


Question 13:

Did the Greek city-states share a common culture or were they diverse cultures?

Shared aspects of culture such as language, beliefs in similar gods and goddesses, and architectural styles; government, education and Societies were different.


Question 18:

Why do you think Alexander the Great was successful in his efforts to build an empire and yet the empire did not last?

He had military skills and courage and was a great leader who could win victories in battle, but he died without an heir, which caused his generals to fight over who would control the empire, and it ultimately divided into separate parts.


Question 1:

What was significant about the Mediterranean Sea?

A large body of water used for trade and movement of people, goods, and ideas


Question 4:

How did the political systems of Athens and Sparta affect their development?

Athens, a democracy, focused on education and civic participation, although women and enslaved people were excluded from most participation.  Sparta, and oligarchy, focused on military discipline and put little emphasis on learning or civic participation.


Question 9:

How was Herodotus's approach to history different from that of earlier Greece?

Most people believed legends and myths and did not analyze events to explain the past.  Herodotus interviewed people to get information about an event and then used that information to distinguish fact from fiction and determine what actually happened.


Question 14:

Explain the role of enslaved people to Sparta and Athens.

Often fighters captured in war.

Had few rights once enslaved.

Sparta relied on the work of enslaved people called helots to provide the food if needed.

Helots were forced to farm so that the Spartans could focus on politics and the military.


Question 19:

Describe ways in which ancient Greek architecture reflected the values and beliefs of the ancient Greeks.

Ancient Greek architecture was based on ideals of harmony, balance, and reason.  It also featured depictions of gods and other mythic figures important to the ancient Greeks. 


Question 1:

What was significant about Sparta?

A city-state in southern Greece that followed strict military rule


Question 5:

Which democratic concepts that developed in ancient Greece have influence democracy in the United States?

Citizenship, voting, public service, and a balance of power in government developed in ancient Greece and influenced democracy in the United States.


Question 10:

What did the early Greek scientists, such as Thales, believe about Science?

Science could be used to explain natural events.  They believed that people could discover the causes of natural events using reason.


Question 15:

How did the location of most of the battles of the Persian Wars affect the Greek city-states during and after the war?

Because the major battles were fought in Greece, Greek cities and crops were destroyed, causing economic hardship for many Greeks.


Question 20:

What is the Socratic method, and why was it an important contribution?

The Socratic method is a way of teaching that is based on asking questions to help students find the answers themselves.  It teaches people to think critically.


Question 1:

What was significant about Mycenae?

An early civilization on mainland Greece that adopted features of the Minoan culture


Question 6:

According to Aristotle, what are the three types of government?  Describe each one.

Monarchy - rule by one person

Oligarchy - rule by a few people

Democracy - rule by many


Question 11:

Who is sometimes known as the "father of medicine" and why?

Hippocrates because he believed disease came from natural causes rather than evil spirits.  He developed methods to cure sick people and created a set of rules to guide the practice of medicine.


Question 16:

How did the Peloponnesian War weaken Greek city-states?

Years of fighting caused divisions within the city-states.  Many Greeks died in battle, while others suffered and died from disease.  Widespread destruction led many people to leave Greece.


Name something interesting you learned in Individuals & Societies this year.

Answers will vary.