A city that is has its own unique government and culture
What are myths?
What was Athens known for during the Golden Age?
(Must name at least 2)
Advancements in government, art/drama, and architecture
Why was Alexander known as "The Great?"
He conquered a vast amount of land and never lost a military battle.
A member of a rich and powerful family
What effect did mountains have on the cultures of the Greek City-states?
Cultures in each city-state were unique because they it was harder for them to connect
What was life like for slaves in Sparta, and were there more slaves or Spartans?
Very harsh; did all of the farm work for the city. There were significantly more slaves than Spartans.
What is a plague?
A widespread disease or sickness, usually causes many deaths
A person who tries to think about the world and explain things through logic/reasoning
What effect did the sea have on Greek city-states?
City-states developed a maritime economy (based around fishing, trading, sailing)
How were women treated in Athens and Sparta?
Athens: women had very few rights and stayed in the home for most of the day; they were essentially the property of their fathers and husbands.
Sparta: Women generally had a better experience here than elsewhere in Greece. They could own land and businesses, could train in wrestling and with swords / spears, and had more rights.
Daily Double!
They viewed the Gods as made up stories that did not explain the natural world
A military tactic involving cutting off a city from the outside world by surrounding it with troops/boats
What was the purpose of the Agora, and what did people do there?
How did Sparta win the Peloponnesian War, and what effect did their victory have on the Greek world?
They blockaded Athens, starving the people who were already suffering from a recent plague.
Effect: Athens was no longer the most powerful/respected city-state and would no longer dominate the Greek world.
What city was the Trojan War named after?
The term to describe the Greek world under/after the reign of Alexander the Great, when Greek culture and ideas spread to other parts of the world
What were the Dark Ages in Greece like?
Not much new technology, art, or literature, most of the good land was owned by Aristocrats
What was life like for slaves in Athens, and were there more slaves or Athenians?
How their life was varied; slaves in the home were generally treated well, but slaves in mines often got hurt or killed and were treated poorly. There were fewer slaves than Athenians (Roughly 1/3rd)
What was the name of the woman who was kidnapped, causing the start of the Trojan War?