An ______ was a fortified gathering place at the top of a hill.
What Macedonian leaders ruled the Greek city-states?
Philip II
Alexander the Great
“And still I await the sign, the beacon pyre
That bears Troy’s capture on a voice of flame
Shouting o’erseas.” — Gilbert Murray, The Agamemnon of Aeschylus, 1920
This quote is from the Greek tragedy Agamemnon. Why does the speaker refer to Troy in this quotation? Explain the significance of Troy in this work.
It takes place during the Trojan War. The Battle of Troy is an important element in Greek mythology It shows the strength and perseverance of the Greek people.
What modern concept is derived from the Greek term for a city-state?
(polis) politics
How did geography influence Greek culture?
Mountains and lack of good farmland made city states spread out and identify first to city site loyalty over Greece. Coastlines and seas allowed for knowledge of sailing and thus trade and navies to develop.
A central public meeting space, the _______, was an essential part of each ancient Greek city-state.
The Indo-Europeans who built the first great Greek civilization that thrived between 1400 B.C.E. and 1200 B.C.E were the
“But a man’s life cannot be won back
Once his breath has passed beyond his clenched teeth.
My mother Thetis, a moving silver grace,
Tells me two fates sweep me on to my death.
If I stay here and fight, I’ll never return home,
But my glory will be undying forever.
If I return home to my dear fatherland
My glory is lost but my life will be long,
And death that ends all will not catch me soon.” –quote from Achilles in the Iliad
Explain what concept Homer was expressing in this passage from the Iliad and how that concept shaped Greek culture.
Homer is expressing the concept of arete which is the idea of striving for excellence and making virtuous choices. In Greece heroes were seen as those who encompassed arete.
This part of the polis contained: fortifications, public buildings. and temples.
Put the following events in the correct chronological order
Macedonian Conquest of the Greek world
The Peloponnesian Wars
Alexander the Great spreads Hellenistic Culture
The Persian Wars
The Persian Wars
The Peloponnesian Wars
Macedonian Conquest of the Greek world
Alexander the Great spreads Hellenistic Culture
All male Athenian citizens were able to participate in the_____ , a legislative body.
Named after a famed Greek politician, the ______ is when Athens reached its height of power and cultural influence.
Age of Pericles
“Wonders are many, and none is more wonderful than man; the power that crosses the white sea, driven by the stormy south-wind, making a path under surges that threaten to engulf him; and Earth, the eldest of the gods, the immortal, ...” —Sophocles, The Antigone of Sophocles, edited by Sir Richard Jebb, 1891
25) What does this passage reflect about the relationship between humans and gods in Greek culture?
That while humans are strong and wonderful beings, the gods are immortal and capable of destroying humans.
Which of the following was a group that held political power in ancient Greek city-states?
Tyrants and Aristocracy
Ancient Greek literature emphasized the quality of____ , the excellence that a hero strives to win in a struggle.
Th Iliad and the Odyssey were written by what famed Greek poet?
“Our form of government does not enter into rivalry with the institutions of others. We do not copy our neighbors, but are an example to them. It is true that we are called a democracy, for the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few.” —Charles Waldstein, Funeral Orations in Stone and Word, 1892
How does the speaker characterize the form of government discussed in this speech?
The because the people control the government the people are able to get done what is needed without pitting groups against each other.
The main reason the Greek city-states formed the Delian League was for___
mutual defense against Persia
The agora or ______ was a main part of the city
Some Greek city-states were committed to rule by a few wealthy families, a system known as____
Draconian Law is a form of leadership named after General Draco. it is best described as being____.
Who said, "No, sit down. We are doing work today."
Ms. Horvat
Compare and contrast political and cultural life in Sparta and Athens, including how their rivalry led to the Peloponnesian War.
Sparta: oligarchy, limited trade, some women's rights, military focus
Athens: democracy, open trade, limited women's rights, educational focus
While Athens gained the upper hand in terms of control and wealth after the Persian Wars, eventually frustration amongst other city states lead to alliances forming with Sparta against Athens.
Practice of removing politicians before they became too powerful in ancient Athens