This landform is surrounded on three sides by water.
What is a Peninsula?
This god is known for his control of thunder and lightning.
Who is Zeus?
To be a person with rights and responsibilities in a country is to be this
Who is a citizen?
To be called this means you believe in multiple gods
What is polytheism?
Greece is located on this contient
What is Europe?
These cover 75% of Greece's land
What are Mountains?
This god is king of the dead and underworld
Who is Hades?
The Athenians are known for inventing this style of government
What is Democracy?
To practice the art of government is called this
What is Politics?
This goddess is associated with love and beauty
Who is Aphrodite?
This country is located to the North of Greece.
What is Macadonia?
This god is known for his control of the sea and it's creatures.
Who is Posiedon?
If you are ruled by a single cruel leader you are in this government style.
What is Tryanny?
These where greek areas known for governing themselves and their cities
What are city-states?
Athens built many of these ships using silver from the city-state
What are Triremes?
To the east of Greece is a large sea known for it's many islands
What is the Aegean Sea?
This location is considered to be the home of the gods
Where is Mount Olympus?
What is Oligarchy?
When all citizens participate in democracy it can be referred to as...
What is Direct Democracy?
Three groups excluded from this were women, foreigners, and slaves
What is citizenship?
What is the Ionian Sea?
This goddess is known for being the namesake of Athens
Who is Athena?
The rule of a king or queen would be considered this type of government.
What is a monarchy?
The United States has this style of democracy, known for electing others to make decisions
What is representative democracy?
To be apart of this group meant to be considered a hereditary ruler.
What is an aristocrat?