On what body of water is Greece located near?
What is the Mediterranean Sea
The type of government used in Ancient Greece
What is a direct democracy?
What sporting game did the ancient Greeks create, held every four years?
What is the Olympic games?
What are the 4 components of soil?
What is air, water, organic matter, and rock?
What type of architecture do Americans use in their buildings today? Inspired by ancient Greeks
What are columns? (Architecture)
On what continent is Greece located
What is Europe?
In which ways did Ancient Greece adapt to their land?
What is Farming, fishing, trading, and building ships?
What are natural resources used in ancient Greece?
What is large rocks and fish?
What is support and nutrients?
In what seasons does America hold their Olympic Games?
What is summer and winter?
What do you call a piece of land that is surrounded by water on three sides?
What is a peninsula?
Who rules in a democracy?
Who are the people?
What are four contributions made by the ancient Greeks?
What is columns, pottery, olympics, and democracy?
The dark layer of soil that is made up of decayed plant and animal?
What is humus?
What were the two crops grown in ancient Greece?
What are grapes and olives?
Where did Ancient Greeks farm?
What are hillsides?
Who were the only group of people who could vote in Ancient Greece?
Who were men born in Greece?
What are the human resources of ancient Greece?
What is shipbuilders and fishermen?
What is clay?
What is the name of the Greek God most people worshipped?
Who is Zeus?
What is a physical characteristic of ancient Greece?
What is rocky mountains and hills?
What is the name of the building that people would gather to vote? (Hint: it still stands today)
What is the Parthenon
What are the capital resources of ancient Greece?
What is fishing nets and shovel?
A type of soil that made of weathered rocks, it has a rough and gritty texture?
What is sand?
A type of soil that is found on the bottom of rivers and lakes?
What is silt?