A period of time of peace, prosperity and advancements is called a what?
Golden Age
Mention 5 of the most important gods and godesses for the ancient Greeks?
Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Ares, Apollo
Who invented the mathematic theorem to find the 3 sides of a triangle?
What was the city that was a center of trade that Alexander founded?
What were the 2 types of government that the Ancient Greek developed?
Oligarchy and democracy
What is a drama? What are the 2 types of ancient Greek dramas?
A story told through words and actions, with a set a characters, performed by actors.
Comedy and tragedy
Who were "Sophists" in Ancient Greece?
A group of traveling teachers who would teach debate and public speaking
Who was the king who's main goals were to unite the Greek city-states and end the Persian empire?
Philip II
What was the type of democracy in Athens called? Why was it called that way?
Direct democracy. Every male citizen could participate and everyone had an opportunity to be in the higher positions through a lottery.
What part of ancient Greek culture looked to portray balance, harmony, moderation and reason?
Art and architecture
What is Socrates' way of teaching through questions called?
Socratic method
What happened to Alexander's empire after he died?
His generals fought and divided the land into four kingdoms.
Name of the defensive league the city of Athens created to protect the city-states from invasions?
Delian League
What are long poems telling the story of a hero? Who was the most famous author of epics in Ancient Greece?
Did Socrates, Plato or Aristotle believe the best government would be run by philosopher-kings?
With what event did the Hellenistic Era start?
When Alexander started to conquer and spread Greek culture throughout southwest Asia and Egypt.
What was the war between Athens and Sparta called?
Peloponnesian war
Who did the ancient Greeks believe could tell them their prophecy? Why did they look for this?
A priest or priestess called an oracle. They believed everyone had a fate, or destiny, and went to the oracle to know their future.
Ancient Greek doctor that is considered the "father of medicine" and created an oath (promise) that doctors still have to make today?
How far did Alexander get into conquering Asia?