Government & History
Language & literature
Social Role/Education & Military
Historical people, Religion & Myths
Art & Architecture

What did the assembly decide for the citizens?

It allowed them to participate in lawmaking/voting and voicing their opinions 


What was iliad and odyssey in Ancient Greece?

Iliad and odyssey were two epic poems from ancient Greece.  


Why did in the ancient Greece back then only the farther decided whether or not he kept his children?  

In ancient Greece, father was only aloud to decide whether or not he kept his children because men had unlimited  power over his children.


Why were there so many Greek gods?

There were some many Greek gods because they used their gods to describe everything around them. 


What Led to the Greek architecture spread across the whole Ancient World?

What led to the Greek architecture spread across the whole Ancient World was Alexander conquests. 


What type of government did the city-states of Greece have?

The type of government that the city-states had was Oligarchy.


What did Ancient Greek literature teach?

What Ancient Greek literature teached was it shows people the nature of man, the origins of mythology, and lyric poetry. 


Why where woman in ancient Greece always viewed as a weak, fragile, delicate, even incapacitated persons?

Woman in ancient Greece were always viewed as weak, fragile, delicate and even an incapacitated person because, women in men's eyes were always viewed as taking care of just children or doing house work.


Why did the Greeks do so much for their gods?

The reason why Greeks did so much for their gods was because they believe the gods were an ever-present influence on humanity, for both good and bad. 


What did Greek architecture represent?

Greek architecture represented "simplicity, proportion, perspective, and harmony". 


Only citizens could vote but who was qualified as a citizen?

Only male citizens that was 18 years were qualified as a citizen.


How did Greek language effect philosophy?

The Greek language effect Greek philosophy because it helps them explore different types of questions about existence, ethics, and the nature of reality. 


Why where all men living in a city state expected to fight in an army?  

They were expected to fight in an army to defend their property. 


How many Olympian Gods were there?

There were about 12 Olympian gods. 


What were the styles of ancient Greece art and Architecture?

The styles of ancient Greece art and architecture were, "the Proto geometric (110-900BC), the Geometric (900-700 BC), the Archaic (700-500 BC) and the classical (500-323 BC) with sculpture being further divided into Severe Classical. 


For public lawsuits in the Greek democracy, how many people sat on the jury?

500 or more people sat on the jury.

What was Ancient Greek literature?

Ancient Greek literature was a type of way they use to write and communicate with each other.


Why did the Spartans soldiers have to train until they were sixty years old?

The Spartans soldiers had to train until they were sixty years old because the spartan lawmaker made them to illegally train until they were sixty years old. 


What city-state do you think most philosophers came from?

The city-state that most philosophers came from were Athens. 


Is it true that Ancient Greek art was portrayed as imperfect? 


Ancient Greek art was portrayed as it may be perfect. It was developed so quickly because many Greek artists changed their styles to small art sculptures to giant sculptures. So yes, it is true.


What were the two largest city-states in Ancient Greece who fought many battles between each other?

The two largest city-states in Ancient Greece who fought many battles between each other were Athens and Sparta.  


What were the epics of homers?

The epics of Homer were lliad and Odyssey.


Was Sparta the birthplace of a land?

No, Sparta wasn't birthplace of a land.


Why are Greek scientists and mathematicians important?

Greek scientists and mathematicians are important because it gave birth to modern math and science helping develop a lot more materials and resources. 


What impact did Greek architecture have on people who visited Ancient Greece?

The impact that Greek architecture have on people who visited Ancient Greece is it influence western culture and it shows the beauty of Ancient Greece.