Boys left to train for war at age 7 in ___________
Athens Persia Olympia Sparta
The olympics had more sports when it was first created than it does now.
Which would be ideal?
A. Having the best birthday ever!
b. Having the worst birthday ever!
Who is the god of thunder and king of all of the gods?
True or False
Olives are grown in Greece because the crop can grow in the hard conditions.
This city was named after a greek goddess _____
Athens Persia Olympia Sparta
Running a long race of 26.2 miles is called a
spartan marathon sprint
Fill in the blank
A greek was sent on a ___________ to ask Sparta for help in the fight against Persia.
mission spartan tribute
Where did they believe all of the gods and goddesses lived?
Mt. Olympus
This is someone who cares after and watches over the sheep:
farmer sailor shephard
Xerxes was king of ___________
Athens Persia Macedonia Sparta
Name one sport in the original Olympics
Foot races
Chariot Races
Javelin throwing
Discus Throwing
Speaking Question
Zues summoned all of the gods for a meeting on Mount Olympus. What does summoned mean?
to call forth or request to come together to meet.
How many olympic gods are there?
This job required steering the ship to bring fisherman where they needed to go:
sailor farmer fisherman
Talking question:
Describe what Athena promised Athens
money, food, and furniture using the olive tree
protection in war.
This type of government allows the people to vote for their leader
monarachy democracy tryanny
Name something that you can do independently
(answers may vary)
Name two jobs that took place at sea.
Fisherman and sailor
Talking Question:
What did Sparta value the most in their city state?
military and protection
This food item is shipped from Greece all over the word today. This item can be turned into oil for cooking, making lotions, and soaps.
A statue of Athena was made as a tribute for her blessing of the olives to Athens. Use the word Tribute in a sentence.
(answers may vary)
Why does the messanger god, Hermes have wings?
(answers may vary)
The wings help him move quickly
Speaking question:
Why was farming so challenging in Ancient Greece?
The land was dry and rocky.