This mathematician developed a formula for calculating the length of the sides of triangles and also believed that if you lived good and pure lives you could live forever.
Who is Pythagoras?
This festival involved competitions between playwrights and was held to honor a god.
What is The Festival of Dionysos?
This children's game is very similar to the modern day game of jacks.
What is knucklebones?
The type of leaf of which the winner's crown was made.
What is the olive leaf?
This is the site where people sought advice from the gods. The priestess would consult the oracle and then communicate messages from the gods to the people.
What is Delphi?
This ancient Greek is considered the father of history.
Who is Herodotus?
This group was made up of citizens from the 10 tribes of Athens. During a play they would comment on the play's events in song.
What is the chorus?
This part of the house often contained an altar dedicated to the goddess Hestia.
What is the courtyard?
Other than javelin and discus throwing, jumping, and running, the fifth event in the pentathlon of ancient Greece.
What is wrestling?
She is the wife of Zeus.
Who is Hera?
This mathematician wrote one of the first math books and is considered the first to have truly investigated geometry.
Who is Euclid?
The Pythian Games, held in Delphi, were held to honor this god.
Who is Apollo?
This "men-only" entertainment was a drinking party.
What is a symposium?
This is the arena in which the chariot games were held during the ancient games.
What is the hippodrome?
This god is known for his bad temper and was believed to have caused earthquakes.
What was Poseidon?
This ancient Greek was selected to the post of general 15 times. His building program resulted in the building and repair of many of Athen's finest structures, including the Parthenon.
Who is Pericles?
This part of the theater, commonly known now as the auditorium, consisted of semi-circular rows of seats rising up .
What is the theatron?
In this city state girls typically married at 13 and married men who were at least twice their age.
What is Athens?
Known as one of the hardest events, this Olympic event of ancient Greece involved both boxing and wrestling skills. The only forbidden moves were biting and gouging with fingers.
What is the Pankration?
She is the goddess of agriculture.
Who is Demeter?
This philosopher believed that an ideal government was one ruled by a few, carefully chosen, wise men. He also founded the first university.
Who is Plato?
This stone building provided the background scenery for the play being performed on the stage.
What is skene?
The number of days after death after which the ancient Greeks believed the spirit was free to leave the body and travel to the afterlife.
What is 30?
He was the first winner of the chariot races in the original Olympic Games and his funeral ceremonies were reenacted during the ancient games' festivities.
Who was Pelops?
Zeus said this god was the most hated of all his children.