Greece Info
Greek History
Golden Age
Greek Polis
After winning the Battle of Marathon against the Persians, a Greek messenger ran back to Athens proclaiming the Greek victory by saying this.
What is "NIKE?"
The Greek Gods made this mountain their home. Bonus 100 - Name the king of the gods
What is "Mount Olympus?" - Zeus
This philosopher is known for creating the Scientific Method and famous for tutoring Alexander the Great.
Who is "Aristotle?"
This is another term to for "Polis."
What is a "City-State?"
This "gift" from the Greeks at the Battle of Troy tricked the Trojans and led to their defeat.
What is the "Trojan Horse?"
Greece's land was rich with this type of soil which enabled ancient Greeks to create Red and Black pottery.
What is "Clay?"
This civilization lived on the island of Crete and were excellent ship builders. It is home to stories of the Minotaur and Atlantis.
Who are the "Minoans?"
This great politician believed in Democracy, the government in Athens. He also believed in helping the poor.
Who was "Pericles?"
This important city state trained its men from age 7 to be warriors and gave more freedom and education to its women than other city-states.
What is "Sparta?"
This group of invaders was a constant threat to the ancient Greeks.
Who are the "Persians?"
These are the three types of government found in ancient Greece. Bonus 300 for explaining what each means.
What are "Democracy, Oligarchy, and Monarchy?" Democracy: Rule by the people (many) Oligarchy: Rule by a group (few) Monarchy: Rule by a king (one)
This Greek hero spent 10 years trying to find his way home after the Trojan War and experienced many unbelievable adventures.
Who is "Odysseus?"
This blind storyteller wrote 2 famous epic poems. Bonus 300 points for naming both poems.
Who is "Homer?" - Illiad and Odyssey
This term describes the fortified hill each polis was built around.
What is an "Acropolis?"
This great conqueror ruled over most of the ancient world, from Egypt to India.
Who is "Alexander the Great?"
Greece is located on this body of water which played an important role in the development of many of the Greek city-states.
What is the "Mediterranean Sea?"
This small group of warriors is known for its bravery, fighting the huge army of the Persians. They were led by Lioniadas, the warrior king from their city-state. Their story has been made into a movie.
What is the "300 Spartans?"
This storyteller is known as the "Father of History" and used the method of collecting facts to retell stories like the History of the Greco-Persian Wars.
Who is "Herodotus?"
This city-state was the birthplace of Democracy and was in constant battle with Sparta over control of Greece.
What is "Athens?"
This military formation where infantrymen protected each other with shields and stayed close together helped the Spartans, Philip II, and Alexander the Great.
What is a "Phalanx?"
Greece is this type of landform.
What is a "Peninsula?"
This civilization is famous for its attack on Troy and its great heroes.
What are the "Mycenaeans?"
This famous mathematician sought to explain the nature of all things in mathematical terms using different theorums.
Who is "Pythagoras?"
This term describes the marketplace located at the base of the acropolis. It was a central area where traders, artisans, and the upper class settled around.
What is the "agora?"
Alexander the Great spread Greek culture by building these. Bonus 100 for naming the most famous.
What are "Cities?" Alexandria