Describe what the polis was
The polis was a city-state in ancient Greece, serving as a political, cultural, and social hub
The wealthy aristocratic class of Rome who controlled most of the wealth and power.
The Patrician class consisted of aristocratic families who controlled most of the wealth and power in Rome.
This title was given to people who assumed an immense amount of power to lead Rome through a period of crisis
The two members of the second triumvirate that you will need to know about for your tests. (bonus admiration from Mr. Ridge if you can name the 3rd)
Octavian (Caesar (Augustus)), Mark Antony [Lepodis]
The conquering general of Macedonia who conquered much of the Persian Empire
Alexander the Great
What were 2 important polises of classical Greece?
Athens, Sparta, Corinth, and Thebes
The commoner underclass including farmers, artisans, and merchants, who had limited rights in the early Roman Republic
Rome and Carthage fought against each other during these wars
Punic Wars
This person centralized power after Mark Antony in a civil war
Octavian (Octavius) (Augustus)
A philosophical school that promoted living in virtue in agreement with nature and rejecting conventional desires for wealth, power, and fame.
The "Greeks" led by Spartans, held out against Persian forces for some time at this battle
The two "co-leaders" of the Roman Republic that worked to keep the Senate and Tribunes in check
These brothers attempted to institute major reforms to benefit the lower class
Gracchi (Gracchus) brothers
Octavian gave himself this title to demonstrate his power but also to demonstrate to the Romans that he was just another part of the republic
A philosophy that taught the pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain as the greatest good, emphasizing simple living
Define democracy
Democracy is a system of government where power is vested in the people, who rule either directly or through elected representatives.
What was the benefit of the Roman system of Checks and Balances?
It prevented any one branch of government from gaining too much power, promoting fairness and accountability.
This man purged many Marius supporters in an attempt to strengthen many pillars of Republican Rome
Pax Romana
A philosophy that promoted self-control, rationality, and virtue as a means to achieve a life in harmony with nature.
This alliance of city states (led by Athens) attempted to resist the Peloponnesians (led by Sparta)
The Delian League
(Give both systems of government)
Overthrown government: monarchy
New representative government: republic
The 3 men of the first Triumvirate
Crassus, Pompey, Caesar
Describe the significance of "Panem et Circenses"
The Roman ruling class provided food (grain dole) and entertainment (chariot races, plays, gladiatorial combat) in order to keep the under class satisfied
The Roman Emperor who reformed the empire to have two senior "Augustus" emperors and two junior "Caesar" emperors