Ancient Greek Acting
Modern Actors
Technique in Ancient Greek Theatre
Gods in Acting

All actors in Ancient Greek Theatre were this gender.

What is male?


The most nominated female actress of all time in the Academy Awards.

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Greek actors used this technique to utilize the natural acoustics of the Theatres and ensure everyone heard them

What is projection


Ancient Greek Theatre often used these facial covers to represent character and emotion.

What are masks


This God was the patron of theatre, and many theatrical productions were dedicated to them.

Who is Dionysus


This singer was also the first actor to ever perform in an Ancient Greek production.

Who is Thespis


A modern tragedy about two lovers who face death and danger on the open water.

What is the Titanic?


Religion, myth, dance and singing

What were important aspects of acting in Ancient Greece


Actors would play multiple of these in order to tell a story with few cast members.

What are characters


These were often sung in honour of the gods, and are sometimes considered the origin of Ancient Greek Theatre

What are chorus songs in honor of gods


This amount of actors was the maximum allowed in almost every Ancient Greek production.

What is three actors?


A piece of modern theatre set in Greece, containing similar aspects to Ancient Greek Theatre with song, dance and acting.

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In order to make sure their projects came to life with how they envisioned them, these types of people would direct and sometimes perform in their own plays

What is a playwright


Actors would use these to help portray character and make the Theatre more realistic.

What are costumes


Ancient Greek Actors would use these to help portray their gods as accurately as possible.

What are godly masks


A game changing piece of Ancient Greek Theatre that is often regarded as the most enduring narrative, written by Homer about a journey home from the Trojan War.

What is Odyssey


A modern piece of theatre that was completely game changing.

What is Hamilton


This ensemble would often be used for much of the music in Ancient Greek Theatre, and stood nearby the actors.

What is the chorus


Actors would often make their movements, voice, and expressions this in order to better portray character to the audience.

What is exaggerated


This was the first ever theatrical festival, and was held in honour of a god.

What is the City Dionysia