Replace "go" with this type of Dress Up
What is a strong verb?
reaching a height above others
This ancient Egyptian character longed to be a goldsmith
Who was Ranofer in The Golden Goblet?
A sentence with a strong verb
What is (answers may vary)?
Repeats 2-3 words from the topic sentence of a paragraph
What is a clincher?
Various answers
a feeling of wanting what someone else has
What is envy?
Ranofer's brother stole this from the tomb of Queen Tiy's father
What is a golden goblet?
Double Jeopardy!!
A sentence with a quality adjective
Answers may vary
What is a hook?
"The students, who received A grades, will be rewarded with a class party" contains this type of clause
What is a who/which clause?
Shockingly frightful or dreadful; horrible
What is ghastly?
Double Jeopardy!!
The master goldsmith Ranofer wanted to be apprenticed to
Who is Zau?
A sentence with an -ly Opener and a strong verb.
Answers may vary.
In 1748 this ancient city, buried under 30 feet of ash, was unearthed
What is Pompeii?
The list of all of the Dress Ups
What ae -ly word, who/which clause, quality adjective, strong verb,
Double Jeopardy!!
to praise highly
What is extol?
The Greeks tricked these people with wooden horse, sneaking an army inside the gates
Who are the Trojans?
A sentence with a Prepositional Opener and a who/which clause
Answers may vary
Double Jeopardy!!
The list of all of the Sentence Openers
What are Subject, Prepositional, -ly Adverb, -ing Opener, Clausal Opener, VSS?
Double Jeopardy!! stands for this
What is when, while, where, as, since, if, although, whereas, unless, because
To disclose or reveal
What is divulge?
This man wrote about the evacuation from the city of Pompeii as it was being destroyed in a volcanic eruption.
Who is Pliny the Younger?
A VSS sentence with an -ly adverb
What is (answers may vary).
Real-life queen of ancient Egypt from The Golden Goblet
Who was Queen Tiy?
This type of Dress Up tells "how" something is done
What is an -l adverb?
fascinated or captivated
What is intrigued?
Ranofer's best friend who told "punny" jokes
Who is Heqet?
Double Jeopardy!!
A sentence with a Clausal ( Opener
Responses vary.
The civilization that used chocolate as money.
Who were the Mayans?
The sentence opener that begins with a verb.
What is an -ing Opener?
A group considered to be socially superior
What is elite?
The real-life Queen of Egypt from the story, The Golden Goblet.
Who is Queen Tiy?
A sentence with an -ing Sentence Opener
Responses vary.
The name of the system used to heat the homes of wealthy ancient Romans.
What is a hypocaust system?