Skibidi alphas
Skibidi relics
Skibidi era
Ultimate rizz queen
Skibidi mix of rizz questions

What is ONE natural features of Sparta?  

  1. the Eurotas Valley

  2. Mount Taygetus 


Outline 3 geographical features of Campania

varied terrain, including mountains, hills, and flat areas, Fertile soil ideal for agriculture, Abundant seafood resources in the Bay of Naples


What famous river provided the areas surrounding Rome with arable land?

The Tiber (can also accept the Arno)


Name Agrippina's parents

Germanicus Caesar and Agrippina the Elder



Outline 3 key aspects of pliny the younger's description of the eruptions

ash fall, Pyroclastic flows, tsunami, rising cloud, flames, shaking and tremors,


What were some significant sites of Sparta? 

  1. The Temple of Athena

  2. Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia


Which metal objects in the Villa Arianna at Stabiae suggest the presence of the lowest social class, even in wealthy households?



Republic, Empire, Monarchy. Chronologically reorder these systems of government in the context of Ancient Rome.

Monarchy -> Republic -> Empire


What was the basis of Agrippina’s influence and her patronage?

Basis of influence was her Julio-Claudian bloodline, and she was a direct descendant of Augustus. Parents were respectable figures. Marriage provided her with wealth, which led to her having influence over patrons (despite having no political power as a woman was one of the most powerful individuals). Received title of ‘Augusta’ 


Name one Spartan king

King Leonidas, King Pausanius, King Cleomenes or King Demaratus.


Name 3 roles the ephorates were responsible for

    • Being chief administrators of the state. 

    • Being executives of the state. 

    • Deciding which units would be mobilised in war.

    • Advising the kings.

    • Checking the royal powers.

    • Having authority over the Spartan training and education system. 

    • Banishing foreigners from the state. 

    • Receiving foreign ambassadors.

    • Calling meetings of Gerousia and Ekklesia.

    • Arresting or imprisoning a king. 

    • Controlling other Spartan magistrates.


Excavations in Pompeii revealed this building near the Forum, featuring a raised platform called a tribunal, where magistrates oversaw voting proceedings.



What was Augustus' response to Caesar's death?

 Announced he would avenge his adopted fathers death, pay Caesar's bequests to the Roman people that Antony had ignored, celebrated games in Caesars honour


What impact did her marriages have in Agrippina’s rise to prominence?

Marriage to Ahenobarbus gave her considerable wealth and produced a child (Nero). Marriage to Crispus - he had great wealth and a successful political career emphasising that she tied herself to men of power. Benefits of standing and wealth - his marriage to her made him “more distinguished”. Final marriage to Claudius solidified her imperial rule and put her son in a position of power


Give 2 duties that was required of the Perioikoi. 

  1. Military service

  2. Maintain the helots 

  3. Make pottery

  4. Make weapons 


What were Spartan boys doing between the ages of 12-18? 

  1. They would continue living in barracks and undergo military training

  2. They were taught to steal.

  3. They learned games of endurance and skill. 

  4. They would exercise naked.

  5. They would have short hair. 

  6. They would sleep on beds of rushes.

  7. They would be barefoot. 

  8. They only had one piece of clothing. 

  9. They were given limited rations. 


Name three historians or archaeologists and their roles

Giuseppe Fiorelli 

  • Became director of excavations at Pompeii in 1860.

  • Introduced systematic and scientific methods to the excavations.

  • Divided Pompeii into nine regions and developed a numbering system for insulae (blocks) and doorways, making it easier to locate specific buildings.

  • Pioneered the technique of creating plaster casts of victims' bodies by pouring cement into voids left in the ash

Karl Weber (1712-1764):

  • Served as a military engineer under King Don Carlos of Naples.

  • Conducted systematic studies at Pompeii and Herculaneum from 1750 to 1764.

  • His work marked the beginning of more scientific approaches to the excavations, moving away from earlier haphazard digging by treasure hunters

Estelle lazer

  • Skeletal Analysis

  • The Pompeii Cast Project

  • Lazer has incorporated medical imaging technology to analyze the famous plaster casts of victims.

  • She uses non-invasive techniques to study the casts without damaging them, including taking a series of X-ray slices to create 3D images of the casts' interiors and exteriors


What was the ius trium liberorum in regard to Augustus social reforms?

Enabled men of senatorial rank who did marry and fathered three or more children to have their careers rapidly promoted


Analyse the following source

 Coinage madeby Nero, depicting Nero and Agrippina.  The obverse shows Nero and Agrippina the Younger, with the inscription AGRIPP[ina] AVG[usta] DIVI CLAVD[ii] NERONIS CAES[ar] MATER = 'Agrippina Augusta, [wife of the] Divine Claudius, mother of Nero Caesar'.  He is bare-headed and beardless.  Agrippina's hair is in tight curls with what may be fruit and flowers.
•  The reverse shows an oak wreath enclosing the letters EX SC (standing for Ex S[enatus] C[onsulto] = 'by decree of the Senate') - with the legend NERONI CLAVD[ii] DIVI F[ilii] CAES[ar] AVG[ugustus] GERM[anicus] IMP[erator] TR[ibunicia] P[otestas] = 'Nero, son of the Divine Claudius, Augustus Caesar Germanicus Emperor with Tribunician Power'.


Name 3 of the rights Augustus gained after the second settlement in 23 BC.

Would accept: the power to convince the Senate at any time and speak first, personal inviolability, the right to give aid to citizens who were mistreated by magistrates, the right to veto, introduce measures into the senate, and the right to compel reluctant citizens to obey.


 What was the role of trade in Spartan society, given its economic and military focus?

Trade played a limited but significant role in Spartan society. Sparta engaged in trade mainly to acquire goods not produced locally, such as luxury items or essential resources. While Sparta was focused on military prowess and self-sufficiency, it relied on trade to complement its economy and support its needs in times of scarcity or conflict.


Outline problems and solutions to the value and impact of tourism.

  1. Controlled Visitor Numbers

  • Implementing visitor caps or timed entry systems can help reduce overcrowding and manage foot traffic.

  1. Increased Security and Surveillance:

  • Installing more surveillance cameras and employing additional security personnel can help prevent vandalism and theft.

  1. Sustainable Tourism Practices

  • Promoting eco-friendly tourism initiatives, such as reducing litter and using public transportation, can minimize environmental impact.

  1. Investment in Local Infrastructure

  • Governments and organizations can invest in improving infrastructure to support the local population and accommodate tourists more effectively.

  1. Education and Awareness Programs

  • Educating tourists about the importance of preservation and respectful behavior can foster a sense of responsibility and care for the sites.


Name 3 of the buildings developed during Augustus’ Building Programs.

Would accept: The Campus Martius, Forum Augustum, The Ara Pacis, The Pantheon, The Mausoleum Augusti


On the obverse is a bust of Caligula with the reverse depicting three standing figures named as AGRIPPINA, DRVCILLA and IVLIA, his sisters. This is the first example of living female members of the imperial family being depicted and named. They appear as personified abstracts of Securitas, Concordia, and Fortuna. 

His sisters were given the privileges of the Vestal virgins and, unprecedentedly, their names were included in the oaths of allegiance. These familial honours and the imperial coinage not only rehabilitated the Emperor’s family, but also legitimised Caligula’s rule by invoking his lineage to present himself as the heir of Augustus.


Discuss 2 events or actions that can be viewed as a weakness of Agrippina

 Main weakness was her disregard for roman political conventions

o More capable of ruling than most men in the family but it was not

acceptable for a woman to openly exercise political power

 Relationship with Nero after he became emperor

o Reluctant to surrender the power and influence she had over him

during his early years

 She manoeuvred people such as Seneca and Burrus into positions of

power to support her ambition but once Nero turned against her they

supported him and not her

 Despite her disregard for political convention, she had a generally

conservative outlook when it came to the future of the family dynasty

o Outraged by his relationship with Acte and wanted to preserve his

relationship with Octavia

 Criticised his personal life and condemned his extravagant spending

o Reaction was resentment and rebellion and the exclusion of her

from political life

 To Nero, she was a meddling mother

o Her power and influence would always be a threat

o He knew and feared her capabilities which is why he decided to get

rid of her