Alexander the Great
Peloponnesian Wars
Alcibiades and the Olympic Games
Ptolemy and Alexandria

What did Demosthenes want to become?

An orator


What was his dream since he was a young prince?

To conquer the world?


Why did these wars happen?

Sparta got nervous at Athens' strength


In honor of whom were the Greek Olympics held?



Which was the land that Ptolemy was given to rule?



Why was his first speech a disaster?

He stuttered and forgot what he was going to say


Who did he believe his ancestors to be?



What kind of war was it? How many soldiers did Athens have? How many did Sparta have?

1. Civil War

2. 30,000

3. 60,000


What is the time between each Olympic Game? How long is it?

1. Olympiad

2. 4 years


What did Ptolemy make Alexandria?

The capital of Egypt


What happened to Demosthenes after the war? What did the conquerors tell him to do? 

He was exiled, told to leave


Who was his father?

Philip II of Macedonia


What weakened the Athenians?

what is a positive feedback loop


Who was Alcibiades a student of? Name three of his good qualities?

1. Socrates

2. Handsome, popular and talented.


What are three scrolls contained in the library at Alexandria?

1. history

2. math

3. science

4. philosophy

5. plays

6. The Bible (translated from Hebrew to Greek)


What three things did Demosthones do to become great?

1. Filled his mouth with pebbles to overcome his stutter

2. speak to the roar of the waves to overcome his shyness

3. Spent months in his room to study the great orators


How did Alexander defeat the Persians? Who was the leader of the Persians and what did he do?

1. He used the phalanx position

2. Darius III

3. He ran away


Who was the leader for each side? Tell a fact about each.

Alcibiades was the general for the Athenians. He was an olympic athlete and very popular but also dishonest.

Lysander was the Spartan's general. He was a relative of Lycurgus, the Father of Sparta.


Name 5 different Olympic competitions

1. running 2. throwing spears 3. wrestling 4. javelin throwing 5. chariot racing


Ptolemy invited two peoples to live in Alexandria. Who were they and why did he choose them?

1. The Greeks and the Jews

2. Because of the Greek culture and the business tactics of the Jews


What were the series of speeches called that Demosthenes wrote? Why did he write them? 

Who won and how?

1. The Philippics

2. He wrote them to convince the Anthenians to raise an army against the Macedonians

3. The Macedonians

4. because they used the phalanx position


After the battle against (____), did Alexander's men ask to go home? What three misfortunes did they suffer on the way back? What happened to Alexander?

1. India

2. low water, lost food, and sickness

3. He died from fever


Who won the war? What happened to them after?

The Spartan's won.

1. put Spartan rulers in charge

2. tore down the walls

3. only allowed 3,000 citizens in the city at a time


What were two of Alcibiades' faults? How did this cause them to lose the battle?

1. Dishonest and frivilous

2. He was called back for a crime and they had no leader. 


What made Alexandria so prosperous?

Ptolemy made Alexandria prosperous by 

1. inviting the Greeks for their culture and the Jews for their business skills

2. opened a canal between the Nile River and the Red Sea which allowed Merchants to trade goods

3. He started a library containing many valuable scrolls and papyrus literature