Pompeii + Herculaneum
Spartan Society
The Greek World 500-440 BC
Syllabus Dot Points

Who is the eye witness account of the eruption of Mt Vesuvius?

Pliny the Younger


Who are the Helots?

The social class in Sparta consisted of enslaved people who worked the land for the Spartan citizens.


Who began the Greco-Persian Wars and was the succeeded Xerxes as Persian king?

Darius I


Which battle in 490 BC saw the Athenians, led by Miltiades, achieve a surprising victory over the Persians

Battle of Marathon


Finish the syllabus point: 

– festivals:...

...Hyakinthia, Gymnopaedia, Karneia


What are frescoes?

Type of wall paintings, found in many Pompeian homes, depicts mythological, everyday, or nature scenes


What is the Hyacinthia?

A festival that honoured Apollo and included musical and athletic contests, which reflected Spartan values of discipline and competition


Which naval battle in 480 BC saw the Athenian fleet, under Themistocles, defeat Xerxes' much larger Persian navy.

Battle of Salamis?


What is ostracism?

This political practice in Athens allowed citizens to vote to exile a person for ten years, preventing the rise of tyranny.


Finish the syllabus point: 

- invasion of 480–479 BC:...

... Battles of Thermopylae and Artemisium, Salamis, Plataea and Mycale


What is an atrium?

An open central courtyard surrounded by columns in wealthy homes


What is the agoge? Name three aspects. 

This rigorous military education system trained young Spartan boys from the age of seven.


Prior to invading Greece, Xerxes sent emissaries to Greek cities demanding what?

Earth and water


Who is Aeschylus?

This famous Greek dramatist, active during this period, wrote tragedies including 'The Persians' and 'Prometheus Bound'.


Finish the syllabus dot point: 

- the economy: role of the forum,...

... trade, commerce, industries, occupations


Name two public bath houses AND what was there purpose?

They were used for bathing, socializing, and exercising in Pompeii and Herculaneum.


What are the Ephors?

This group of five elected officials shared power with the Spartan kings and were responsible for law enforcement.


What is the Hellespont?

The body of water that was famously bridged by Xerxes' engineers to transport his army into Greece.


What was the original headquarters of the Delian League, before its treasury was moved to Athens?

The island of Delos


Finish the syllabus point: 

*ONE particular source or type of source (eg Herodotus, Books V–IX; Persepolis) for Xerxes, including:

- ...

- ...

– the value and limitations of the source

– an evaluation of the source in the context of other available sources, including problems of evidence


Who is Karl Weber?

An archaeologist who began systematic excavations at Pompeii in 1748.


Explain Spartan marriage customs. 

Aimed at producing healthy children, women were allowed to to bed multiple men, capture of the bride ceremony, would have to sneak in the middle of the night for Spartan men to meet with their wives


Describe Zoroastrianism 

Xerxes' religious devotion included the worship of Ahura Mazda, the supreme deity in this ancient Persian religion that emphasized the cosmic battle between good and evil.


Outline the origins, aims and organisation Delian League?

Founded in 478 BC, it was initially formed to continue the fight against Persia but later became a tool of Athenian domination


Finish the syllabus point: 

the evidence provided by the range of sources, including...

(Name 5)

...site layout, streetscapes, public and private buildings, ancient writers, official inscriptions, graffiti, wall paintings, statues, mosaics, human, animal and plant remains from Pompeii and Herculaneum