CORE: Cities of Vesuvius
Society: Spartan Society to the Battle of Leuctra 371BC
Personality: Hatshepsut
Time Period: The Augustan Age 44BC- AD14
The HSC Exam

In __AD Mt Vesuvius erupted, destroying the towns of ___ & ___.

79, Pompeii, Herculaneum


How many ephors were there?



What is the name of her mortuary temple?

Deir el Bahri (or Djeser-Djeseru)


Who succeeded Augustus as princepts?



The total paper is out of how many marks?



Name 3 buildings in the forum.


  • Temple of Jupiter
  • Basilica
  • Temple of Apollo
  • Temple of Vespasian
  • Building of Eumachia
  • Macellum
  • Temple of Venus
  • Forum Granary (Horrea)
  • Municipal Offices (Aedile's Offices)
  • Sanctuary of the Public Lares

Name two Spartan writers.

Alcman and Tyrtaeus                                                       



Who acted as God's Wife during her time as pharoah?



List 3 of his titles.

Could include: Augustus, princeps, pater patriae, pontifex maximus, princeps senatus etc


Each of the four sections is out of ____ marks and should be completed in ___ minutes.

25 and 45


Provide 3 examples of the influence of Greek and Egyptian cultures.

Teacher discretion but...

Worship of gods/temples: Isis, Apollo
The name Herculaneum
House with the mosaic of Alexander the Great
Greek style columns


Explain control of the helots.

Teacher discretion- but needs to mention army, krypteia and syssitia


Outline her relationship to Thutmose I, Thutmose II & Thutmose III.

Thutmose I- father, Thutmose II- half-brother, husband, Thutmose III- nephew, stepson


Explain the significance elements of of the Prima Porta.

Cuirass- return of Parthian standards, gods

Dolpin/cupid- Aphrodite, Aeneas

Pointing hand- auctoritas

In which year was the new syllabus assessed for the first time?



Outline Estelle Lazer's work in the Sarno baths.

Estelle Lazer's work in the Sarno Baths at Pompeii involved the study and analysis of human skeletal remains. Her research focused on understanding the health, lifestyle, and causes of death of the Pompeian population.


Outline ONE Spartan festival

Hyakinthia: A three-day Spartan festival in summer honoring Apollo and Hyacinthus, featuring mourning, feasting, athletic contests, and musical performances.

Gymnopaedia: A mid-summer Spartan festival celebrating physical fitness and military virtues through gymnastic contests, choral performances, and martial displays.

Karneia: An August/September Spartan festival dedicated to Apollo Karneios, involving sacrifices, processions, choral dances, and symbolic races to ensure the city's well-being.


List three examples of pharaonic iconography that Hatshepsut presented herself with in statues.

Nemes headdress, fake beard, striding position when standing etc


Why was Julia the Elder banished?

Something about acts in the forum and relationship with senators.


Provide 3 examples how you could "reference a source" in a response.

Teacher discretion but could include...
Source A demonstrates....
According to Plutarch...
The image of the...
Direct "quotes"


Outline the decuriones, magistrates & comitium


The decuriones were members of the local city council (ordo decurionum) responsible for administrative, financial, and religious duties. Magistrates were elected officials responsible for the day-to-day administration of the cities. The comitium was the assembly place where citizens gathered to vote on various matters, including the election of magistrates.


Name that 6 Greek writer's mentioned in the syllabus that you need to know the views of. 

Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, Aristotle, Pausanias, Plutarch


What evidence is there for Hatshepsut's promotion of cults other than Amun?

Teacher discretion but...

She designed her Hathor chapel in Deir el-Bahri to represent the mythical place Khemmis. She uses the motif of Hathor as a cow suckling a tiny king Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut is known to have built at the temple of Mut, Amun’s wife, from private inscriptions. Various gods play a role in her Divine Birth and Coronation Scenes - Thoth, Khnum, Heket, Anubis, Neith, Selk. Deir el Bahri  contains a shrine to Anubis, statues of the Hatshepsut as Osiris, and an open altar for the sun cult of Re.


List 5 of the provinces.

Any of: Gaul, Spain, Egypt, Syria, Macedonia and Illyricum


What is the time and date of your Ancient History HSC exam?

9:25-12:30 am on the 22nd of October.