Cities & Achievements
Ancient Mesopotamia & the Indus River Valley
Lacking Information

This mountain range separates India from the rest of Asia

What is the Himalayas?


Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro cities were well planned, how do archaeologist know this?

Both cities were designed in a grid-like pattern with bricks that were designed exactly the same.


Both Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley were known for having a social class...

Ancient India referred to their social hierarchy as this...

What is a caste system?


Archaeologist don't know a ton of information about the Indus River Valley because...

What is they have not yet been able to decipher and translate their written records?


Excavators have uncovered evidence of combs, soap, and medicine, this shows us that

What is the people of the Indus River Valley were interested in cleanliness and good hygiene?


These two rivers made the land in Ancient India adaptable for farming

What are the Ganges and Indus?


System they used to modify their land for farming

Irrigation System


True or False: Both Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley had irrigation systems

What is true?


Two types of natural disasters archaeologist believe may have caused the Indus Valley to collapse

What are earthquakes and droughts?


This group was at the top of the caste system

What is the Brahmins (priests)? 


These strong winds caused the rivers to flood and make land more fertile for farming

What are monsoons?


The Indus River Valley civilizations were the first people to create one of these systems in their cities

What is a sewer system?


The written languages of Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley

What are Cuneiform and Sanskrit?


This will allow us to one day learn about the ancient settlements of the Indus Valley

What is deciphering their writing?


The people of Ancient India kept records on this

What are clay tablets?


These are the names of the highlands located on the east and west coastal areas of India?

What is the Ghats?


Great Bath in Indus Valley cities were designed for

Special religious functions


True or False: Both Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley had known laws.

What is False: Only Mesopotamia had known laws


Name two theories of how the Indus River Valley Civilizations may have ended

Natural Disasters, Unintentionally destroyed their own environment, invaded by nomadic warriors


The levels of the caste system were called 

What are varnas?


The Ganges river fed into this body of water.

Bay of Bengal or the Arabian Sea

What is the Bay of Bengal or the Indian Ocean?


Two things the Aryans brought to the Indus Valley

What are the caste system and Sanskrit?


Name two things that made both Ancient Mesopotamia and the Indus River Valley civilizations

What is:

common religion, cities, government, record keeping system, technology, and social hierarchy 


This led archaeologists to believe that there may have been a strong central government for the entire Indus River Valley

What is the planning of cities was the same throughout the whole river valley?


What conclusion can be made from the statement below

Archaeologists have found jewelry made in Harappa as far away as Mesopotamia.

What is Indus River Valley cities traded with other foreign cities?