Notable Figures
Gupta Empire
Ashoka's Rule

He expanded the empire to the south and east through a series of wars until deciding to reject violence.  He embraced Buddhism and supported their values of love, peace, and nonviolence.  

Who is King Ashoka


The year the Gupta Empire rose in India.

What is 320 CE?


The collection of Hindu legends that taught the lessons of the Vedas, or sacred Hindu texts through tales of sages and kings.

What are the Puranas?

King Ashoka ruled this empire from 269 to 232 BCE

What is the Mauryan Empire?


These were created for safety and comfort and also benefited trade.  They enabled traders to move easily from city to city within the large empire.

What are roads?


He began the Gupta Empire and he and his family united the northern kingdoms by conquering in war.

Who is Chandragupta I?


The Gupta Empire set these up to oversee the empire.  It was made up of advisers and members of the royal family to help the king make decisions. 

What are central governments?


A poem composed over hundreds of years with themes that relate to Hindu values and the battle of good vs evil.

What is Mahabharata?


King Ashoka's son, who was sent to Ceylon, a large island south of India, to convert the king of Ceylon to Buddhism. 

Who is Mahinda?


This was the most famous Buddhist school with eight colleges and three libraries.  It had a hospital and monastery and students were instructed in Buddhist and Hindu philosophy.

What is Nalanda?


He built the Mauryan Empire in 320 BCE and used a powerful army to keep his subjects in line. 

Who is Chandragupta Maurya?


Unlike this group, the Guptas gave local areas a great deal of independence.

What are the Mauryas?


A part of the Mahabharata who's name means "Song of the Lord".  Most beloved works of Hinduism in which Prince Arjuna is taught basic truths of Hinduism by Krishna.

What is Bhagavad Gita?


King Ashoka created these to create a strong and united empire guided by Buddhist values.

What are Ashoka's Edict?

He calculated the length of a year and estimated the size of Earth.

Who is Aryabhata?


He began the religion of Buddhism.

Who is Prince Siddhartha?


These were ruled by a royal governor with town leaders who could make their own decisions.

What are provinces?


This literature took shape during this time.

What is Sanskrit Literature?


Around this time, Buddhism spread from north-western India to Central Asia.

What is the Common Era?


These were among the greatest ancient Indian paintings.

What are the Ajanta cave murals?


She is the mother of the founder of Buddhism and had a premonition before her child was born stating that she was "carrying a child who will be a great man".

Who is Queen Maya?


The result of the Gupta's ruling strategy which helped them stay in power for 230 years.  They maintained relatively peaceful times, stability and growth in the arts and sciences.

What is the golden age?


The famous Arabian tale, which inspired a Disney movie, was inspired by Gupta folklore.

What is Aladdin?


King Ashoka built a dome-shaped structure to hold sacred objects associated with Buddhism.

What is a stupa?

The place where an iron pillar made of solid iron that stands at 25 ft tall and weighs 13,000 lbs with engravements of the story of the Gupta emperor is found.

What is Meharauli?