Silk Road

This metal was used in many ways and it advanced Chinese society in many ways.

What is Bronze?


These religions were born in India

What is Hinduism and Buddhism?


A series of trade routes that stretched from Eastern China to the Mediterranean Sea giving many civilizations foreign products.

What is the Silk Road?


This mountain range serves as a border between Ancient China and Ancient India.

What are the Himalayas?


Created a strict set of laws that included harsh punishments for anyone who opposed the king. The Qin Dynasty used this effectively.

What is Legalism?


This was the first dynasty in Ancient China that used bronze weapons and tools that helped keep this dynasty strong for many years.

What is the Shang Dynasty?


Explain what this device is.

Scale and Weights.


This product was the most frequently traded item on the Silk Road from Eastern China.

What is silk?


These two mountain ranges form a "V" along the southern border of India. 

What are the Eastern Ghats and the Western Ghats?


There are many aspects of this religion. A major piece is the knowledge of one's dharma, karma, and samsara.

What is Hinduism?


This dynasty gained power by overthrowing the Shang Dynasty when it became corrupt and weak from years of over spending and war.

What is the Zhou Dynasty?


This item was one of the most mysterious discoveries that archaeologists discovered in Mohenjo Daro.

What is the stone seal?


At this stop in Dunhuang, this product was able to make traveling much easier as carrying a lot of resources was not a job for a human anymore.

What are camels?


These two rivers were home to many civilizations in Ancient China.

What are the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers?


Founded by Prince Siddhartha on the path to Enlightenment.

What is Buddhism?


This dynasty took over after a long period of time that involved war across 6 or 7 states called the Warring States Period.

What is the Qin Dynasty?


This game, developed in Mohenjo Daro, is played today around the world, even though there are many pieces and different strategies to win.

What is chess?


This stop provided gold and horses that Eastern Chinese civilizations valued and relied on.

What is Kucha?


Developed by the Qin Dynasty in order to prevent nomads and invasion from entering China from the North.

What is the Great Wall of China?


The overall concept of Daoism, it is the balancing of opposing forces of nature and finding tru harmony.

What is Yin and Yang?


In Ancient China, this type of worship was very important and was believed to have an effect on society both positive and negative.

What is Ancestor Worship?


This person was extremely influential and outspoken about the negatives of the Indian Caste System because of the discrimination and hierarchy restrictions that do not fit with Hindu teachings.

Who is Mahatma Gandhi?


This stop was known as the major distribution hub along the Silk Road, having access to different bodies of water and land to gain resources from all areas.

What is Ctesiphon?


This area is the highest and largest of its kind in the world stretching 14,800 feet in the air. Also referred to as the roof of the world.

What is the Tibetan Plateau? 


A collection of teachings put together by Confucian scholars.

What are the Analects?