What river runs through Jericho?
The Jordan River
How tall is the wall?
4 meters tall
What important feature can be found within the tower?
A staircase
What happened in Jericho when they started farming?
An organized and stable society
What kind of people got buried?
People of status
What type of land is Jericho placed in?
A Valley
How thick is the wall?
4 meters wide
How tall is the tower?
9 meters tall
Irrigation system
What things could people of status be buried with?
Caps, jewelry, relics
What mountain covers Jericho?
Mount Nebo
When was the wall built?
8,000 BCE
How many of these towers would be the same height as the Burj Khalifa?
92 towers
What does an irrigation system do?
Transports water easily
What people protected the city?
Chariot riding elites
What sea is right next to Jericho?
The Dead Sea
How many people live inside the wall?
2,000-3,000 people
What type of tower is this?
A religious monument
How many people lived in Jericho BEFORE they began farming?
Around 2,000
Where on the social ladder were the chariot riders?
What route passes through Jericho?
Trade and migration routes
To protect humans and water supply
What is the purpose of the tower?
For people to connect with their religion and the cosmos