Was the religion of the Macedon's Greek or Roman
What is the Greek religion
What did the Macedonians trade for money
What is food/objects
Where was music played in ancient Macedon
What are the Gymnasium, Theater, the Agora, and Religious Sanctuaries
Who had the greatest conquest in the Macedon empire
Who is Alexander the Great
What is the name of the city in Ancient Egypt named after Alexander the Great
What is Alexandria
What was the main religion for the Macedon's
What is
Greek polytheism
What face did the Macedon coins have
Who is Alexander the Great\ Philip ||
What was the theater in Macedons capitol called
What is the theater of Aigia
Who was Alexander the Great's father
Who is Philip ||
What is an Ancient Greek coffin called
What is a Larnax
What is the name of the place of prayer in ancient Macedon
(*hint: it is simpler than what you think it is)
What is a temple
Which people were on the ancient coins
What is a Macedon king
Which Greek building is ONLY used for music
What is a Odeon
Where was king Philip || assassinated
Where is the theater of Aigai.
What was King Philip || buried in
What is a gold Larnax
What is the name of the head god in Macedon
Who is Zeus
What were the two backbone operations of the Macedon economy
What is logging/mining
What type of art is made with small colored stones
What is a Mosaic
Who was chief judge in the Ancient court
Who is the King
Who killed King Philip ||
Who is his bodyguard Pausanias of Orestis
What historical figure was considered a god in ancient Macedon
Who is Alexander the Great
What was the main jobs of men
What is herding/mining
What was the most famous Macedon Mosaic
What is the Stag Hunt Mosaic
Who broke the father son monarchy
Who is Areopus ||
Which large empire did Alexander the Great conquer
What is Persian empire