The land of Ancient Mesopotamia is between these two rivers?
Tigris & Euphrates River
What was built in Ancient Mesopotamia to honor gods?
The Ziggurats
Name at least 2 Inventions / Achievements of the Ancient Mesopotamians
• Sailboats
• Plow
• Wheel
• Irrigation
• number systems based on 60
• Metal
• Cueniform
• Epic of Gilgamesh
City-States were ruled by who?
Kings (war heroes)
How many classes were there in Ancient Mesopotamia Social Structure
4 or 5
Describe the climate of ancient Mesopotamia
• Hot & Dry Climate
What did the Ancient Mesoptamians Believe in?
• Many Gods (polytheism)
• That Gods controlled all aspects of life
• Priests were powerful and did religious ceremonies
The name of Mesopotamian writing
What was Cuneiform?
How was Ancient Mesopotamia governed?
City-States ruled by Kings (war heroes)
• Kings became hereditary
• City- States often at war with eachother
Who makes up the Upper Class of Ancient Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia Upper Class = priests, kings and government officials
In what modern day country was Mesopotamia mostly located in?
In Ancient Mesopotamia, What does Polytheistic Mean?
Believed in Multiple Gods
What other inventions came from the wheel?
- cart
- chariot
- shaduf
What was the first code of written laws?
Hammurabi's Code
Who makes up the Middle Class of Ancient Mesopotamia
Mesopotamia Middle Class - Artisans, fisherman, merchants
What is one of the (3) bodies of water around Ancient Mesopotamia Between other than the rivers?
Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea
What was the role of Priests in Ancient Mesopotamia?
Priests were powerful and did religious ceremonies
What Metals did Ancient Mesopotamians learn to make?
Bronze and later iron
Who was originally responsible for deciding what cities did with their surplus of food?
Which groups of people received the harshest punishment for breaking a law in Mesopotamia?
The lower classes
What was the earliest group of city-states called?
What aspects did Gods control of Ancient Mesopotamian's lives?
ALL aspects
Mesopotamian number system inventions
Based on 60
• 60 minute, 60 second
• 360 degree circle
The first emperor of Ancient Mesopotamia
Who was Sargon I
What was the Social Structure of Mesopotamia?
triangle/ power on top, most people on bottom