
The Fertile Crescent is an area that stretches in an arc from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient Greeks called this valley "_________________________________."



The Assyrians built a massive empire. Something that helped them do this was collecting _______________ from conquered people. (Similar to a tax)



The Ancient Hebrews believed in only 1 God. What type of religion does this represent?



Egyptian Ruler & believed to be a God. Had absolute power, owned & ruled all land.



"Between the rivers" was the nickname given to this area by ancient peoples.

A) Persia

B) Rome

C) Israel

D) Mesopotamia

D) Mesopotamia


To overcome various environmental problems, ancient peoples in Mesopotamia built dikes, dams, and complex _________________________ systems to prevent the city from flooding. (Has to do with the movement of water)



Darius I created a system of managing government through various bureaus or departments run by appointed officials. What is this now called today?



The most sacred text & the story of ancient Israelites’ continuing relationship with God. Includes 1st 5 books of the Hebrew Bible (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy).



Embalming & drying of the corpse to prevent it from decaying, wrapped in cloth.

What is Mummification?


Most important river in Egypt.

Nile River


Pyramid-temples with shrines on top for a particular God or Goddess.



"If a man destroy the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye. If one break a man's bone, they shall break his bone. If one destroy the eye of a freeman or break the bone of a freeman he shall pay one mana of silver. If one destroy the eye of a man's slave or break a bone of a man's slave he shall pay one-half his price."  Hammurabi had many other punishments as well. If a son strike his father, his hands shall be hewn off." What ancient law is?

Hammurabi’s code


The father of the Israelites & Judaism.

Who is "Abraham?"


Egyptian Ruler & believed to be a god – had absolute power, owned & ruled all land. 



3200 B.C. invented the earliest form of writing called ____________ ---> wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets.



The people of Ancient Mesopotamia worshiped many gods. This religion would be referred to as a __________________ religion.



This ancient civilization is seen as one of the most important civilizations of the ancient world because of its influence on later people.

What is "Persia?"


The religion of Judaism majorly influenced which two major world religions? 

Islam and Christianity


A large artifact that has the same text in 3 languages. Can now decipher Hieroglyphics. Includes old Egyptian literature poems, hymns, & prayers. Shows their values, attitudes, & sense of humor.

Rosetta Stone


King Ashurbanipal founded one of the world’s first _______________ in Nineveh.

King Ashurbanipal founded one of the world’s first "libraries" in Nineveh.


From top to bottom, list the social hierarchy pyramid that represents the people of ancient Mesopotamia.

1. Ruling Family --->Leading Officials -->High Priest

2. Priests ---> Merchants ---> Scribes ---> Artisans

3. Peasant Farmers

4. Enslaved People


What made Darius I (522 B.C. - 486 B.C.) such a skilled leader?

1) Divided empire into provinces, headed by a governor.

2) Each province had to pay taxes based on resources & wealth.

3) Special officials would check on the province & governor.

4) Built roads & to improve communication established a mail system to carry government documents.

5) Adapted laws from the people he conquered & drew up a single code of laws (like Hammurabi).


List 5 of the 10 commandments...

1) You shall have no other gods before Me.

2) You shall not make idols.

3) You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

4) Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

5) Honor your father and your mother.

6) You shall not murder.

7) You shall not commit adultery.

8) You shall not steal.

9) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10) You shall not covet.


From top to bottom, list the Egyptian Social Hierarchy Pyramid.

1) Ruler (Pharoah)

2) Upper Class(Landowners, Priests, & Govt Officials)

3) Middle Class (Merchants & Artisans)

4) Lower Class (Farmers & Unskilled Workers)

5) Lowest Class (Slaves)


This aggressive & ruthless king revived Babylon. His Empire stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. He oversaw the rebuilding of canals, temples, walls, & palaces of Babylon. Famous for a Moat & 85 ft. thick wall around the city.

Who is King, "Nebuchadnezzar?"