When were the first Olympics held?
776 B.C
What was the name of the first Olympic event?
What is the name of the god which is the reason the games were created?
Were men and women allowed to both compete in the Ancient Games? True of False.
Instead of medals, what were the athletes awarded?
When were the Olympics paused temporarily?
394 A.D
Were married women allowed to attend the events?
What was the name of the city where the Olympics were held which was also called "The Sanctuary of Zeus"?
What are one of the five sports in the pentathlon?
a race the length of the stadium (about 183 meters [200 yards]), the long jump, the discus throw, the javelin throw, and wrestling
Was it married or unmarried woman who were allowed to spectate the Ancient Games?
Only unmarried were allowed to attend
When did the first Winter Games occur?
What was the name of the second Olympic event?
Diaulos which was twice as long as the stadion.
When they would pause all wars for a month so that the athletes could travel safely, what was that called?
The "sacred truce"
Name one of the countries that participated in the first games beside Greece?
Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Sweden Switzerland, and the United States
How many events were in the first Olympics vs todays Olympics?
In ancient greece there was one, the stade, a 210 yard footrace. In todays olympics, there are currrently 448 events.
For how long was the footrace called stadion the only event?
50 years.
The event pankration was a mix of which wrestling and____?
Name one reason why people would be fined in the Olympics.
Cheating or backing out
In the first Olympics how many countries were represented?
King George I of Greece decided to bring them back
When was the stadium of Herodis built?
330 B.C
In the event pankration, what were the ways it ended? Name one.
Ended when some surrendered, acknowledged defeat, left unconscious, or left dead.
Two poems were written about sports in eight century BCE They were written in the eight century BCE, and they contained multiple details of sports. Name one of the sports that was included in them.
The events included in the poems were running, wrestling, jumping, discus throwing, boxing, chariot racing, sparring, and archery.
In the first Olympics how many athletes participated?
Two hundred eighty five
In the ancient games, there was an event that ended when someone backed out, lost consciousness, or died. What was the name of the sport?