These native people hunted wooly mammoths.
What is the name of the National Park in Colorado where Pueblo people lived?
Mesa Verde National Park
These were the first people to live in what is now America.
Name one Pueblo artifact we learned about.
Answers vary
These native people hunted buffalo.
Describe how the Clovis people got to America.
Walked across the ice during the Ice Age
These native people lived the closest in time to us.
Pueblo, Apache, Comanche all acceptable answers
The Pueblo people might have used this as a shovel
A stick
These native people had dogs as pets
If people are __________________, they get all of their food by hunting animals and looking for plants.
Name one group of people that lived after Jesus was born.
Pueblo, Apache, Comanche
The Pueblo people used this plant to make shoes.
These native people were the first to keep farm animals.
What is the name of the weapon that Clovis and Folsom people used to hunt?
Points (Clovis and Folsom points)
About how many years ago did the Pueblo people live?
900 years ago
Pueblo people painted this and used it as bowls and cups.
These native people were the first to have horses.
Comanche and Apache
We know that these native people made music.