Who is the god of war?
What is a domus?
Patrician styled house with open space or atrium in the middle.
What were the Punic Wars?
The 3 wars fought between the Roman Republic and Carthage.
Who was Julius Caesar?
He is a strong Roman general who wrote and conquered.
What is a legend?
Well-known story passed down from long ago.
What did Venus represent?
What did Plebians eat?
bread and porridge, small helping of meat and vegetable.
Who was Hannibal?
He was a general in the Carthage legion.
What did "Veni, vidi, vici" mean?
I came, I saw, I conquered
What did Romulus and Remus build?
Who is the messenger of the gods?
How did patricians live?
In bigger houses, extended family members living with them, and often had slaves.
What was the outcome of the second Punic War?
Roman Republic defeated Hannibal.
Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?
He wanted full control over Rome and some people felt threatened by it.
What is the story of Romulus and Remus about?
Retell the story
In the myth of Cupid and Psyche, what was the relationship between Venus and Psyche?
Venus was jealous of Psyche's beauty. She did not like Psyche.
What were the roles of women in Roman society?
Why did Rome and Carthage fight?
To gain control of the Mediterranean sea for trading.
How did Caesar change the Roman government?
He made himself dictator and Rome was no longer a republic it became an empire.
What does "Rome wasn't built in a day" mean?
great things take time and patience to create.
Name three Roman gods and their Greek counterparts?
answers vary (check chart)
What were the significance of aqueducts?
They provided fresh water from natural sources and provided beauty to the city.
How did the Punic Wards affect Rome?
Rome gained control of nearly every bit of the land around the Mediterranean.
What was Caesar's relationship with Cleopatra?
He wanted to conquer her but instead fell in love with her.
How did Romulus become the first king of Rome?
After killing his twin brother Remus and founding the city of Rome.