Later Roman History
Roman Wars
Roman Life
Roman Figures

This is the term for a lengthy period of relative peace during Rome's history

What is the Pax Romana?


The Romans and Carthaginians fought in this body of water during the Punic Wars

What is the Mediterranean Sea?


This a term for the water bridges that helped Rome get relatively clean drinking water from the mountains

What are aqueducts?


This man was made dictator for life only to be stabbed to death by government officials

Who is Julius Caesar?


This is the term for different branches of government having official ways to prevent each other from growing too strong or getting out of line

What are checks and balances?


This emperor created a new capital city in the Eastern part of the Roman Empire that is now Istanbul Turkey

Who was Constantine?


This Carthaginian general led an army of elephants through to Alps to attack Italy. 

Who was Hannibal?


This social class of Roman citizens were often poorer farmers, merchants and workers

Who are the plebians?


This emperor betrayed Marc Antony and Cleopatra and ushered in a period of relative peace for the Roman Empire

Who was Augustus/Octavian?


This Roman astronomer claimed that the Earth was the center of the universe.

Who is Ptolemy?


This group of people were the first people to invade Rome in 800 years after being persecuted by the Romans

Who are the Germanic peoples/Goths?


This Roman general was instrumental in defeating Carthage during the Punic Wars

Who is Scipio?


This is the term for wealthy landowners that made up Rome's upper class

Who are the patricians?


This Roman emperor tried to improve the economy through price controls and appointed a co-emperor and assistant emperors to help him rule

Who was Diocletian?


This political alliance system often used in Roman history roughly translated means "rule of three"

What is the Triumvirate?


This leader of the Hun army fought Roman soldiers in the land of Gaul

Who is Atilla?


Carthage lost this island in the Mediterranean Sea due to the 1st Punic War

What is Sicily?


This Roman government body controlled public spending and foreign policy.

What is the Senate?


This group of emperors were relatives of Julius Caesar

Who were the Julio Claudian Emperors?


This government body was elected to represent the lower class people of Rome

What is the Tribune?


This person led the Visigoth people on a successful attack of Rome

Who is Alaric?

This was the objective of the 3rd and final Punic War between Rome and Carthage

What is the utter destruction and annihilation of Carthage?


This form of philosophy advocated for the fair treatment of slaves, to avoid emotional extremes and to remain calm in the face of adversity

What is Stoicism?


This group of emperors died of natural causes instead of being assassinated or committing suicide

Who are the 5 Good Emperors?


According to legend, these two young boys are have said to be raised by a wolf who would later go on to found the city of Rome

Who are Romulus and Remus?