Who is Jupiter?
Zeus(God of Lightning)
Why did The Temple of Jupiter got destroyed?
It keep falling before and couldn´t fix it then it got destroyed.
Who control the Roman Empire?
What money did the Romans had?
What did woman do?
The take care of the house , cooked, and had the family´s money.
What do the roman´s sacrifice to the gods?
Why did the Romans built the Colossem.
They use it as entertainment for events.
What law of women mean?
They have no power of vote and anything political.
How did they make money?
What did men do?
Do their own jobs, and chose what their children do for jobs, and have control of the family.
Why did the Romans built temples for the gods?
To honor them
Why did the Romans have a building for government?
They have the senate do meetings.
What political ideas people have?
What types of jobs did people have?
Craft workers, Soldiers, Builders, Engineers, and Farming
What food did they eat?
Fish sauce, celery, Thyme, Juniper berries, pepper, Rue, Oregano, Corianderseeds.
What does a Roman family pray for to the gods?
Why was the Vatican built?
They built it as a church?
Who ruled Ancient Rome in 3 different periods?
Regal Rome: King
Roman Republic: People with ideas
Roman Empire: Emperor
What trade did Etrusans and middle Greece did?
Land which helped the Romans become powerful.
What clothes did they wear?
Losse fitting, white togas, and stolds for women.
What is Stoicism?
Logos about the gods about how they created the universe in a certain way.
Why did other countries architecture look like Romes.
Because they got inspired by their building.
What did the senate do for Rome?
It is like US senate with votes and laws.
Why did the coins had Ceasarś head on it.
To remember him and thank for during his time as king.
What clothes did the army wear?
Metal armor, metal helmet with a sword.