A Day in the Life
Captain America: Civil War
I Voted
Fine China
Peace Be With You

The mythic demigod who is credited with founding the city of Rome (not his twin brother)

Who is Romulus?


The first emperor of Rome

Who is Augustus?


The style of government in Rome before the imperial period

What is a Republic?


The most profitable trade good in ancient China

What is silk?


The belief system from northern India which follows the "Four Noble Truths" and the "Noble Eightfold Path" to achieve ultimate peace

What is Buddhism?


Members of Rome's upper classes, claiming descent from the original settlers of Rome

What are Patricians?


The Senator who betrayed Caesar even though they had a close personal relationship

Who is Brutus?


The large group of powerful men chosen to vote on important laws for the state

What is the Senate?


The belief that only through the harsh enforcement of the law can people's bad behavior be controlled

What is Legalism?


The belief that Chinese emperors had a divine right to rule so long as they maintain virtuous behavior

What is the Mandate of Heaven?


A type of slave trained to perform combat sports for public entertainment

What are gladiators?


The title of Egyptian rulers used by Cleopatra and her ancestors

What is Pharaoh?


The elected position at the head of Roman government, held by two men for a term of one year

What is the Consul?


The belief that greed and desire for power cause suffering, so people should follow the Way (becoming one with nature)

What is Daoism?


The position given to Herod by Marcus Antonius after the role of "Ethnarch of Palestine" was abolished

What is "King of the Jews"?


The "philosopher-king" who expanded the empire and embraced Stoicism

Who is Marcus Aurelius?


The general who Julius Caesar faced in the civil war after having been allies

Who is Gnaeus Pompeius (Pompey)?


The position added to the government to satisfy the lower classes after a major disagreement between the rich and poor

What is the Tribune?


The belief that setting a good example for others and following your social responsibilities will result in a peaceful society

What is Confucianism?


The practice which Mohists believe should guide the way we treat all people

What is undifferentiated love?


The brief period when members of the lower classes exited the city in protest their mistreatment

What is the plebeian secession?


The term for a style of leadership where 3 people share executive power?

What is a "triumvirate"?


Translating to "I refuse," the power to overrule a law that was not in the best interests of the lower class

What is Veto?


The huge peasant uprising against the Han Dynasty, led by a "Daoist sorcerer"

What is the Yellow Turban Rebellion?


The battle where Constantine claimed to have seen a vision from Jesus Christ that led him to victory

What is the Battle of Milvian Bridge?