Early Rome
Sources of Roman History
Eras of Roman History
Famous Romans
Latin Words & Phrases

This is the name of the river on which Rome was founded.

What is the Tiber River?


This is the name of the first Roman historian to write in Latin.

Who is Livy or Titus Livius?


This era was the first of Roman history.

What is the Roman Monarchy (753-509 BC)?


This famous Roman orator and statesman lived from 106-43 BC and was known as a talented orator.

Who was Marcus Tullius Cicero?


This is the meaning of the Latin word virtus.

What is 'courage' or 'excellence'?


The kidnapping of the women from this ancient Italian tribe was a central myth in the founding of Rome.

Who are the Sabines?


This poet, who died around 170 BC, was a Roman who wrote an historical epic poem that only exists in fragmentary form.

Who is Ennius?


This is the second era of Roman history.

What is the Roman Republic (509-27 BC)?


This famous Roman was the reason for the end of the Roman monarchy, as her death spurred the Romans to expel their last king.

Who is Lucretia?


This is the meaning of the Latin phrase senatus populusque Romanus (S.P.Q.R.)?

What is the Senate and the Roman People (variations on this are acceptable)?


This is the date given for the foundation of the city of Rome.

What is 753 BC (Apr 21)?


This Greek historian wrote during the 2nd century BC (early-mid 100s BC) about development of the Roman Republic.

Who was Polybius?


This is the final era of Roman history.

What is the Roman Empire (27 BC-476 AD)?


Which famous Roman king instituted the Roman Senate and founded the city itself?

Who is Romulus?


This is the meaning of the Latin phrase mos maiorum.

What is 'custom of the ancestors'?


The foundation myth of Romulus & Remus states that the twins were nursed by this animal before they were adopted by Faustulus.

What is a she-wolf (lupa)?


This Greek historian wrote the history of Rome in Greek during the 1st century BC.

Who is Dionysus of Halicarnassus?


This was how the Roman empire was divided on the death of Emperor Theodosius I in 395 AD. (hint: think in terms of direction of the split)

What is east-west?


This Roman king was the last monarch due to the immense hatred his subjects had for him.

Who was Tarquinius Superbus or Tarquin the Proud?


What is the Latin word for worthiness or respect?

What is dignitas?


This was the city that Romulus & Remus were born in and, after defeating their evil uncle Amulius, they left here to found Rome.

What is Alba Longa?


This is a type of material evidence, an important source for information about all aspects of Roman life, as distinct from the historical or literary sources.

What is ancient Roman archaeology, visual art, architecture, or any example from these (an ancient Roman temple, for instance)? 


This historical figure is considered the first Roman emperor and the end of the Roman Republic is dated to when the Senate voted him the title of 'revered one'.

Who is Octavian or Caesar Augustus (grand-nephew of Julius Caesar)?


This second Roman king is thought of as a law-giver and an important figure in the foundation of Roman religion.

Who is Numa or Numa Pompilius?


What is the Latin word for devotion to duty?

What is pietas?