Res Publica
Rome's Government from 509-31 BC, 2 consuls
The 3 problems the Plebian class had
Voice/Power/Influence, Money/Needs, Laws/Rights
Summarize the story of Cincinnatus
A farmer who was chosen dictator when roman soldiers were surrounded by Aequi, solved the crisis in 15 days and returned to his farm
Summarize the story of Titus vs The Gaul
A giant gaul put an open duel challenge to the Romans and allowed anyone to try and fight him, Titus agreed to fight the Gaul and defeated him, taking his necklace after
The 10 men who wrote the laws of Rome
What was the bridge that Horatius defended?
Pons Sublicius
How were the plebians' poverty solved in 406 BCE?
Soldiers started to receive payment
What would slaves say to the commander during the triumph (and why)?
Memento mori/remember that you are mortal; because the commander was dressed like Jupiter who was an immortal god
Summarize the story of Manlius
Was woken up by Juno's sacred geese when the Gauls invaded the capitoline hill; he then fought them off and saved the hill
Cursus Honorum: Give a definition and the 4 things that are apart of it
The ladder of governmental positions to become consul
Quaestor -> Aedile -> Praetor -> Consul
Summarize the story of Scaevola
Tried to kill Porsenna and failed, was arrested and went before Porsenna, burned his right hand off in the fire to intimidate him which caused him to ask for peace
Summarize the story of the old man
An old, dirty, diseased man entered the forum and was recognized as a former centurion/soldier. When asked how he became how he was, he said he lost everything during the sabine war and was turned into a slave
"Have I come to my ____ or to my ______?"
What was Camillus' nickname given to him by Livy and why was it given to him?
Ab Urbe Condita; From the Founding of the City
What did Brutus do to his sons (and why)?
Executed them for conspiring to bring back the monarchy/reinstitute Tarquin
Where did the Plebians secede to?
Sacred Mount
Why was Coriolanus exiled?
Tyrannical behavior, he attempted to hold grain rations hostage until the tribune office was removed
Lucius Manlius' nickname (both latin and english)
Imperiosus: Domineering, controlling
390 BCE
First sack of Rome by the Gauls
"It is the Roman way to _____________."
Do and suffer brave deeds
Name 2 of the 12 tables
Proceedings Preliminary to Trial, Trial Proceedings, Debt Law, Paternal Power, Inheritance and Guardianship, Ownership and Possession, Land Rights, Injury Law, Public Law, Funeral Rites, Marriage Law, Punishments
"You conquer with _____, I conquer with _____."
You conquer with crime, I conquer with skill/work/courage/arms.
What was Titus' nickname (latin and english translation)?
1st consul of Rome along with Brutus, forced to resign because of his name