They provided clean water to public baths and water systems in the empire, and allowed water to travel from far away to the city.
What are aqueducts?
This position was permanently granted to Julius Caesar in 44 BCE.
Rome was this before it was an empire.
What is a republic?
These four groups made the structure of Roman Society.
What are nobles, plebeians, freedmen and women, and slaves.
What is Italy?
The empire was connected by ______ with large _____ over rivers and valleys.
What are roads and bridges?
Brutus main co-conspirator and brother-in-law.
Most of the population were this. They were peasants, artisans and traders. They had no political rights, but they had to pay taxes and serve in the army.
Who are plebeians (also called plebs)?
This percentage of children died before reaching adulthood.
What is 50%?
These were the three forms of government in Ancient Rome.
What is Monarchy, Empire, and Republic?
These are large spaces to receive massages. They also have an underground heating system called a hypocaust kept them warm.
What are baths?
This emperor will enact a reign of terror on Rome in Lucius' adult life.
Who is emperor Domitian?
They formed a republic with an aristocratic government. They were a minority, descendants of the founders of Rome and owners of land and livestock. They made laws, were responsible for justice and held public office.
Who are patricians?
Lucius can join the military at 17, but he can not _________ until he is 25 years old.
What is conduct business transactions?
This social group were peasants and urban workers. Some were at the service of a patrician.
Who are Plebeians (or humiliores)?
This was a place people could go to watch gladiators or chariot races.
What are circuses?
Lucius Junius Brutus helped to expel this tyrannical king.
Who is tarquin the Proud?
This was the fundamental principle of the Roman Republic.
That no one man should hold too much power.
This social group was wealthy and had special privileges. The group was made up of senators, magistrates and high officials, and wealthy plebeians.
Who are Nobles (or honestiores)?
Between 264 and 60 BCE, Rome was at war with Carthage, a North African city with a lot of influence in the Mediterranean. Rome won and gained control over the western Mediterranean. The conflict between Rome and Carthage was known as this.
What are the Punic Wars?
Military victories were celebrated with parades and the construction of these two things.
What are triumphal arches and columns?
After Caesar's death, this adopted son transformed the Republic into an empire. In 27 BC, the Senate named him Augustus ('chosen by the gods'), and he was made emperor of Rome.
Who is Octavian?
These were the Roman Republic's three main institutions.
What are the Assemblies, Magistrates, and Senate?
This room in a roman domus, is an interior patio with columns, and many rooms open onto it.
What is a peristyle?
_____ were chosen by all of the citizens of Rome, depending on their residence, social standings, and wealth.
What are assemblies?