Which class had no rights and had to work very hard?
Rome was an Empire that is in this country (shaped like a boot)
Name a weapon that was common for Roman soldiers to use
Sword, dagger, bow and arrow, spear
Name one common food that Ancient Romans ate
Wheat, barley, grapes, olives, figs, apples, beans
Who was allowed to become a part of Ancient Roman government?
Men who were either patricians and sometimes plebeians.
What was the name of the leader of Ancient Rome?
Italy is a ____________ because it is surrounded on three sides by water
Some soldiers had to fight in the Colosseum to entertain the Caesar and other Romans. What were these soldiers called?
It included a center courtyard
How did the climate of Ancient Rome help farmers?
It was mild so they could farm year-round
Which class was wealthy and owned much of the land
The patricians
Ancient Rome included many _________ which made travel difficult, but also offered protection.
Where was a place where Romans went for entertainment that included soldiers fighting each other or wild animals.
The Colosseum
Polytheism=worshipping many gods
Monotheism=worshiping one God/god
Which class was the largest?
The plebeians
Mediterranean sea, Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea
What formation did Ancient Roman soldiers use in order to help protect them from attack?
Name 2 subjects that boys studied in school
reading, writing, math, literature, debating
Which Bible character was a Roman citizen and spent much time preaching and teaching in Ancient Rome?
When Rome conquered another nation, they would set up this leader in that nation.
A governor
Which important river is where Romulus and Remus were abandoned?
Tiber river
What does "Pax Romana" mean?
It was the time when Ancient Rome was at peace
Name 3 of the Ancient Roman gods
Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Mars, Venus, Pluto, Mercury, Diana, Minerva, Ceres, Vulcan, Vesta
apartments above their business or small homes on their farms