The City of Rome
The Republic
The Empire
Daily Life
Lucky Dip

What language was spoken in ancient Rome?



Who usually held the most power in the Roman Republic? 

Bonus 100: In a crisis, who held the most power?

The two consuls

Bonus: the dictator


Who held the most power in the Roman Empire?

The emperor


What were the two main social classes in Ancient Rome?

Bonus 100: Name another social class

Plebeian and patrician

Bonus: Slaves or equites


What were the periods of Ancient Rome?

1. The Monarchy/Kingdom

2. The Republic
3. The Empire


How many hills was the city of Rome built on?

Bonus: Name one of the hills


Bonus: Palatine, Capitoline, Aventine, Caelian, Esquiline, Quirinal, Viminal


What was the cursus honorum?

The order of positions that were held in the government


What was the Colosseum used for?

Gladiatorial games, public entertainment


In the army, what was the difference between a legionnaire and auxiliary?

Legionnaire: Roman citizen

Auxiliary: people from the provinces


What are two legacies of Ancient Rome?

-The calendar
-The government
-Christianity spreading


Name 3 pieces of archaeological evidence from the city of Rome. (Cannot use any examples from Pompeii)

-The Forum
-The Colosseum
-Circus Maximus
-Roman Baths
-Pompey's Theatre
-Palatine Hill
-Trajan's Markets


Who were the members of the First Triumvirate?

Bonus 100 for each: What did each member want?

Julius Caesar (bonus: more military and political power and money)

Pompey the Great (bonus: land to give to his veterans)

Crassus (bonus: military command)


How were retired soldiers rewarded?

They were given land for farming


What are three pieces of archaeological evidence we have for daily life in Pompeii?

-Food stalls
-Public toilets
-Plaster casts of people (needs relevant explanation for how it relates to daily life)


How many soldiers were in each legion?

Bonus 100: How many legions were in the army?


Bonus: 30


Describe the story of the founding of Rome.

Your teacher will decide if your answer is correct


Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?

Bonus 100: How many times was he stabbed?

After he declared himself dictator for life, some members of the Senate thought he was too powerful. They believed one person should not hold all of the power because it is too similar to a monarchy.

Bonus: 23


What were the four main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire? (100 points per correct cause)

1. People fighting to become emperor, causing civil wars
2. Economic conditions worsened
3. The government became inefficient and corrupt
4. The empire was too large to protect from invasion


How did public toilets work?

No stalls, a communal sponge was used instead of toilet paper


What was a warning sign for the eruption of Mt Vesuvius?

Bonus 100: When was the eruption of Mt Vesuvius? (day and year)

-Animals were agitated
-Springs dried up

Bonus: August 24, 79 CE


Name five of the twelve main Roman gods/goddesses.

Jupiter, Juno, Neptune, Minerva, Mars, Venus, Apollo, Diana, Vulcan, Vesta, Mercury, Ceres

What were the five main causes of the fall of the Roman Republic? (100 points per correct cause)

1. The Catiline Conspiracy

2. Caesar's civil war
3. The impacts of Julius Caesar's assassination
4. The Second Triumvirate
5. The civil war between Mark Antony and Octavian


What was the role of patrician women in the Roman Empire?

-To influence others to further the political careers or their husbands and sons
-Manage the household's slaves


What was the pater familias?

The male head of the household


What is the difference between a pyroclastic surge and pyroclastic flow?

Bonus: How hot could a pyroclastic surge be?

Pyroclastic surge: fast moving ash and gases

Pyroclastic flow: denser, liquid volcanic material

Bonus: 400-500 degrees